Користувацький вхід

Урок на тему: ‘So many people, so many hobbies. The Present Perfect Tense’

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Відкритий урок по темі
‘Критично-креативне мислення учнів’

Тема уроку:
‘So many people
so many hobbies.
The Present Perfect Tense’

 To revise students’ vocabulary on the theme;

 To focus their attention on specific words
and word-combinations;

 To involve the students into discussion on
the theme using topical expressions;

 To develop listening and speaking skills;

 To extend students’ abilities to express
their thoughts logically;

 To develop creatively, imagination,
language intuition;

 To form students’ communicative habits according
to the giving situation and interactive methods
of communication;

 To enlarge the students’ knowledge about
hobbies and Present Perfect Tense;

 To form cognitive motivation improving knowledge
on the subject;

 To teach the students polite attitude
towards others.


Олійник Тетяна Сергіївна, вчитель англійської мови
спеціалізованої школи №317 м.Києва


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