Objectives: by the end of the lesson the students will be able to
• develop knowledge of the topic “Travelling”, the students’ word-outlook;
• revise and practise vocabulary on the topic “Travelling”;
• repeat the usage of the articles with the geographical names;
• practise in doing vocabulary exercises;
• develop dialogic and monologic speaking on the topic of the lesson;
• improve the listening skills and ability to work in pairs and group;
• cultivate tolerance to other cultures.
Equipment: notebook, multi-media board and Power Point presentation; the motto on the blackboard (Mark Twain’s quote); the map of Ukraine; rhyme “Travel to the place”; cards for individual work (HO); video “Discover Ukraine (2011)”; text “Travelling” and multiple choice test; study-book by L.Byrkun for 8th form “Our English”; copy-books; video clip and sound track by Will.i.am “The Travelling Song” to the cartoon “Madagascar 2.Escape to Africa”; proverbs and quotes about travelling; scrambled dialogue; students’ presentations; self-evaluation cards; record of the song “Last Christmas” by George Michael.
The type of the lesson: the development of speaking competence.
Паляничка Юлія Олександрівна, учитель англійської мови,Очеретинська ЗОШ І-ІІІ ступенів Олександрівського району Донецької області