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Урок - узагальнення з англійської мови в 5 класі по темі " Україна - моя Батьківщина "

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5 Клас

Тема: Україна – моя Батьківщина
Узагальнення матеріалу.
Цілі: вдосконалювати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць; удосконалювати навички вимови, читання, усного мовлення й письма; аудіювання; розвивати мовну здогадку; виховувати любов до своєї країни і позитивне ставлення до національних традицій.
Обладнання: підручник А. Несвіт, мультимедійна дошка, текст для читання, презентація.

Хід уроку.
1. Орг. момент:
а) бесіда з черговим учнем;
б) бесіда з учнями про погоду

2. Фонетична зарядка
Повторення вивченних прислів’їв:
“ East or West – Home is Best ”;
“ There is no place like home ”;

3. Мовна зарядка.
Name what is this.
/ Вчитель показує куб з сторонами на яких написані слова:
Kyiv the Trident, the Carpatian Mountains, Hoverla, The Dnipro, Ukraine /

4. Аудіювання тексту “ Ukraine ” :
a) Pre – Listening activity:
answer the questions:
1. What seas is Ukraine washed by?
2. What many towns are there in Ukraine?
3. What is the longest river inUkraine?
б) Post – Listening activity:
listen the text and decide whether the following statements are true or false according to the text.
___ 1. Ukraine is the largest country in Europe.
___ 2. There are the Crimean mountains un the western part of it.
___ 3. The Dnipro is the longest river in Ukraine.
___ 4. Ships don’t travel along the Dnipro.
___ 5. Kyiv is very old but it is a very beautiful city.
___ 6. Kyiv is the centre of economic life of Ukraine.
Ukraine is the second largest country in Europe. It is washed by the Black Sea and the Sea of Asov. There are the Crimean mountains in the south of Ukraine and the Carpatian mountains in its western part. The biggest rivers in Ukraine are the Dnipro, the Dnister, and the Danube. The Dnipro is the longest river. It flows through Ukraine from the north to the Black Sea. Ships travel along the Dnipro. Ukraine has got a lot of big and small lakes. There are more than four hundred towns in Ukraine. The biggest of them are Kharkiv, Donetsk, Odesa, Lviv. The capital of Ukraine is Kyiv. It stands on the Dnipro River. Kyiv is very old but it is a very beautiful city. It is the centre of political, cultural and economic life of Ukraine.

5. Читання тексту “ Kyiv “
a) Pre – reading Activities
- Where is Kyiv situated?

-Read, translate and pronounce correctly
chestnut trees
lime trees
to be popular
well – developed
b) Reading

The capital of Ukraine is Kyiv. It is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. It is situated on the picturesque banks of the Dnipro River.
The streets of Kyiv are wide and nice. They are lined up with chestnut trees, lime trees and poplars. A chestnut is a symbol of Kyiv.
Kyiv is the political, economic, scientific, industrial and cultural centre of Ukraine.
There are a lot of museum, art galleries, concert halls, theatres and cinemas in it. They are very popular with tourists. Kyiv is also famous for its attractive parks.
The city has a well – developed transport system. Many buses, minibuses, trolley – buses, trams and cars carry passengers around the city. There is also an underground, a railway station, an airport and a river port in it.
c) Post – Reading Activities
- Answer the questions
- Are the streets of Kyiv wide or narrow?
- What places of interest can people visit?
- Does Kyiv have a well – developed transport system?
- How can you travel around the city?

6. Рухлива зарядка.

7. Граматика.
Повторення ступенів порівняння прикметників / теор. матеріал/

8. Виконання впр. 8, ст. 125 / письмово /

9. Перегляд презентації
“ Ukraine ”

10. Монологічне мовлення:
а) “ Ukraine ”;
б) “ Kyiv ”

11. Виконання тесту
“ Ukraine is my Motherland ”

12. Підведення підсумків уроку.
Виставлення оцінок.

Завдання додому: опис Києва і України.


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