Користувацький вхід

Pозробка уроку у 5 класі по темі DAILY ROUTINES. За підручником CLICK ON 1. MODULE 3 UNIT 6

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пропонуемо вашій увазі розробку наступного уроку, розрахованого на участь учнів усього класу( у нашому випадку 2 групи). урок створено у співавторстві з метою надати учням можливість продемонструвати свої вміння і досягнення з предмету перед однокласниками, а також для підсилення мотивації до вивчення англійської мови. урок побудовано на матеріалі підручника CLICK ON 1, Module 3, Unit 6.

THE OBJECTIVES: -practise speaking on the topic, using active
-revise and activate Present Simple and Adverbs
of Frequency;
-teach pupils to make up a chain-story and a class
survey on the topic;
-teach pupils how to use time effectively while making
up daily routines;
-motivate pupils' interest in studying English.
EQUIPMENT: multy-media station, recordings,grammar tables,
illustrative resources, personal cards, jumbled texts,
proverbs illustrations, cards for evaluation.

I.Warming-up activity: pupils guess the riddle "What flies without wings
and goes without legs?"
1.The announcement of the subject and the aims of the lesson. Division and organizing pupils into two teams and announcement of the rules, the procedure and evaluation of their work at the lesson.
2. Personalization: pupils answer the questions on the personal cards and report their answers to the group.
eg. When is your birthday?
What days are your favourite?
What days are your days-off?
On what days do you have English? etc.
3. Revision of the days of the week: singing the song "Days of the week" SB p25.
1. Non-stop revision of the active vocabulary: pupils work in teams, making up sentences using active vocabulary, Present Simple and Adverbs of Frequency(chain work T1---T2---T1----T2)
eg. I sometimes visit my granny on Wednesdays.
I always go jogging in the morning.
2. Team work. Making up a chain story; the invited guest(a student of a senior form) presents himself and gives pupils the task to imagine and make up a story about his tipical daily routine. Pupils make up sentences using the 3d person singular of the verbs in Present Simple. The guest makes comments on pupils' sentences and say whether they are true or false.
3. Time-out. Pupils sing a song about different people "Our World" p 45 SB.
III.Team work. Pupils work with jumbled texts about the guest's favourite day. They listen to the guest's story and try to understand what day is being described. Then they put the sentences in logical order.
I usually get up early on my favourite day.
I make my bed, have a shower and brush my teeth.
I don't do morning exersices on that day, but i like to start it with jogging.
After a light breakfast i am ready for school.
I often walk to school with my friends.
I meet them on my way to school.
We usually make plans for the next two days.
We like to spend them together, doing sports, discussing films or books or just having fun in the park.
I am also lucky to have my favourite lessons on my favourite day.
They are english, literature, PT, music and arts.
After school i hurry home to help my mum to get ready for the next few days.
We usually cook some tasty things and tidy up the house.
I always go late to bed on that day and i can sleep late the next morning.
The whole weekend is waiting for me.
2. Team work. In each group pupils make up a group survey about the daily routines on their favourite days. Each team has reporters interviewing them. Pupils answer questions and interviewers summarize and present the surveys.
3. Optional activity:
a). Pupils make comments on the proverbs:
- An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening.
-lLost time is never found again.
-Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.
b).Pupils present proverbs which they found themselves and explain their meaning.
IV.Hometask. Pupils try to guess their homework according to the work done at the lesson. Team project "Favourite days: the ways we spend them". Pupils prove that they don't waste time.
V.Summary of the lesson and evaluation.


Купчишина Людмила Миколаївна, Забавська Оксана Іванівна - вчителі англійської мови Хмельницької сс зш №1 I-III ступенів.


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