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Здоровий спосіб життя

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Розробка уроку англійської мови у 8 класі по темі:
« Здоровий спосіб життя »

Мета: навчити учнів вести бесіду про здоровий спосіб життя на основі прочитаного та прослуханого тексту, використовуючи вивчену лексику; вчити розуміти, а також давати поради; систематизувати знання з теми, активізувати вживання лексичних одиниць у мовленні, вдосконалювати навички аудіювання, стимулювати комунікативну мотивацію; формувати вміння самостійно працювати з навчальним матеріалом, у парах та групах; розвивати мовленнєву реакцію, сприяти розвитку творчого підходу до розв’язання мовленнєвих задач;
виховувати бажання вести здоровий спосіб життя і формувати корисні звички.
Обладнання: тексти для читання, презентація, аудіозапис, картинки.
Урок практичного застосування знань, навичок і умінь.
Хід уроку.
1. Привітання.
T: Good morning dear children and guests. I am glad to see you. How are you today?
Ps: We are fine.
T: It's so good we all feel fine. Let me start our lesson.
2. Фонетична зарядка.
T: I suggest you to revise a poem:
I want to live, but not to die.
I want to laugh, but not to cry.
I want to feel the summer sun.
I want to know that life is fun.
3. Мовна зарядка.
T: Now, listen to the dialogue and try to guess the topic of our lesson.
A: So, how are you feeling today?
B: I'm pretty tired. I haven't been sleeping well.
A: Do you have enough time to get the right amount of sleep?
B: I have enough time. I just can't seem to fall asleep and stay asleep.
A: What time do you usually go to bed?
B: I don't have one time in particular. I just go to sleep whenever I feel tired.
A: Have you been under a lot of stress lately?
B: I just lost my job, and I am unsure about being able to find another one.
A: Have you ever tried doing relaxation exercises before you go to bed?
B: I haven't ever tried that, but it sounds like a good idea.

P: This dialogue is about the Personal Path to Health.

T: As you see we shall speak today about health and healthy way of life . You will practice in reading and oral speech, make recommendations for a healthy way of life. Try not only remember these recommendations but follow them as long as you live. And at the end of the lesson you will be able to tell me what you should do and what you shouldn’t to be healthy.
4. Аудіювання.
T: Dear boys and girls, we are having a guest today. Let me introduce Bill Brown. He is a young British journalist. Bill is going to tell you a very important information. You are welcome, Mr. Brown. ( учень- журналіст читає статтю із журналу).
Bill Brown. - According to the Cancer Research Campaign British children are putting their health to risk by refusing to eat fruit and vegetables. More than 2 thousand boys and girls were questioned. One in 20 said they haven’t eaten any vegetables, with one in 17 not eating any fruit.The findings are alarming, because a good diet rich in fruit and vegetables could reduce the number of cancer deaths by up to a third. Children’s eating habits would improve if parents stopped rewarding them with sweets. It is important to make the foundations of a healthy lifestyle early.
T: What is the article about?
P: The article is about children's health.
T: Is this information impressed you? (відповідь дітей)
Т: Another today’s guest is a doctor. She will give you some advices and recommendations concerning your health.
D. – Hello! Come in , please.
P. - Did you get all the test results?
D. – Yes, I got them last night. As to the tests, everything is okay. But the X- ray shows emphysema. That’s evidently the result of your heavy smoking.
P.- Is that serious?
D.- It could become extremely serious. If you are worried about your health cut out your smoking.
P.- Certainly, I’ll try to stop smoking. What else could you advice me to do for improving my health?
D.- You should do daily exercises. Eat small meals four or five times a day.
P.- Thank you, doctor.

5.Відпрацювання поняття" health" методом уяви( аглютинація).
T: What do you think of when you hear the word " health"?
P1. I think of sport, because it helps us to be healthy and strong.
P2. As for me, I think of nature, as we can breath in fresh air walking in the fields and forests. We can enjoy the beauty of nature feeling positive emotions.
P3. I think of food, for we use it every day and to be healthy it is necessary to eat plain and healthy food.
T. Do you think it is possible to think of music discussing the topic "health".
P4. Sure, it is. Music helps to cure people. It is used in medicine more and more often, especially classical music.
( в результаті на дошці складається схема).
6. Анкетування. Are you healthy?
How often do you:
1) … do morning exercises?
A Less than an hour a day.
B Five hours a week.
C More than five hours a week.
2) …eat cakes, biscuits, and sweets?
A Six times a day.
B Three times a day.
C Less than once a day.
3) … eat fresh fruit and vegetables?
A Never.
B Once a week.
C Every day.
4) … clean your teeth?
A Never.
B Once a week.
C Every day.
5) … watch TV?
A More than four hours a day.
B Two hours a day.
C An hour a day.
6) How many hours do you sleep?
A Less than five hours a night.
B Seven hours a night.
C Ten hours a night.
Mostly As: you are not very healthy at all. You need to do more exercise, watch less TV, and eat better food. Think about it!
Mostly Bs: not bad, but you can do a lot to improve your health. Think about what you eat and the exercise you do and try to improve.
Mostly Cs: you are a very, very healthy person. Congratulation!
7. Фізкультхвилинка. Релаксація під музику.
T. I think you are tired a little. Let’s relax. Please shut your eyes. Imaginе you are at the Sea now. It is summer. The weather is wonderful. The sky is blue. The sun is shining. A light wind is blowing from the sea. The water in the sea is warm and pleasant. You are lying on the beach and enjoying all these wonderful things. You are quiet. You have no problems. Your family, your friends, your school, your teachers love you. You are happy. You have a good spirit. Please, breathe in. Breathe out\four times\ open your eyes now. How are you?
T. It s a pity but we are at the lesson now and I suggest you to read the text .
8. Читання тексту " Healthy way of life"
T. They say it is easier to prevent the disease than to cure it. Today you’ll read the text under the title “ Healthy Way of Life” and make recommendations for a healthy way of life. First, work in pairs and then in groups. There are two groups , choose your leaders. Discuss and write down your recommendations . Write them at the blackboard and comment on them. Group I will read the first part of the text and group II — the second one. Use conversational phrases and the sentences of the type: | It’s good/ bad/ useful/ necessary/ im-portant / dangerous... You should.../ You should not.../

One of the first duties we owe to our selves is to keep our bodies in good health. There are certain laws of health which deserve particular attention and they are very simple to learn.
A constant supply of pure fresh air is necessary for good health. Perfect cleanliness is also very important.
Nobody likes to be fat and clumsy. We enjoy watching famous athletes, their strong and graceful bodies. But you must be prepared to make an effort if you want to be beautiful and healthy. You should develop healthy habits.
A very important factor is physical exercises. They help us to be fit and ac-tive. They make our body strong and keep us mentally well. If you want to be healthy you are to go in for sports and games. Those, who go in for sport regu¬larly are cheerful, active people full of energy.
Another factor is healthy feeding habits. You mustn’t eat too much. It is useful to eat fresh fruit and vegetables, they give us vitamins. It’s good to eat fish, dairy prod¬ucts. brown bread. You should eat less cakes, sweets, chocolate, potatoes and other food rich in calories.
.All ovег the world young people eat more and more snacks and fast food - chips, hamburgers, hot dogs. It’s not good to eat a lot of fast food. It is high in fat, salt and sugar. Of course we need some fat, salt and sugar and a little fast food won’t hurt us. But a lot of fast food is bad for us.
It is also very important to have a sound and lasting sleep at night. Try to go to bed at the same time and not too late. It’s good to go to bed early and to get up early.
Thus we must remember that modera¬tion in eating and drinking, reasonable hours of labour and study, regular phys¬ical exercises, recreation and rest, cleanliness and other factors lay the foundation for good health and a long happy life.
Bad habits influence our health. Smok¬ing, using alcohol, taking drugs damage your health. It’s a pity but grown-ups set the example for children and teen-agers.
9.Усне мовлення. Написання рекомендацій щодо здорового способу життя та їх коментар.
Т. So I hope you are ready. Let’s listen to your recommendations. Be atten¬tive, try to write down as many of them as you can in your exercise-books.
Group I
Keep your body clean
Don’t eat too much
Eat more fresh fruit and vegetables
Be physically active

Group II
Develop healthy feeding habits.
Don’t eat a lot of fast food.
Sleep not less than 8-9 hours a day.
Don’t give way to bad habits.

T. Now members of the groups will com¬ment on your recommendations. Lis-ten attentively and try to remember them in order to follow these recom-mendations in your life.
Leader of Group1
1. Keep your body clean.
Cleanliness is very important for our health. Wash as often as you can. Have a shower or take a bath.
2. Be physically active.
Physical exercises help us to be fit and active. They make our body strong and keep us mentally healthy. Do morning exercises, go in for sports, play sport games, have an active rest.

3. Don’t eat too much.
Nobody likes to be fat and clumsy. There is proverb saying “Live not to eat but eat to live”.

4. Eat more fresh fruit and vegeta¬bles.

They give us vitamins. Besides, it’s good to eat more fish, dairy products, brown bread. They are useful, espe¬cially for children and teenagers.

Leader of Group II
1. Develop healthy feeding habits.

You should eat less cakes, sweets, chocolate, potatoes and other food
rich in calories. Don’t eat too much but eat regularly.

2. Don’t eat a lot of fast food.
All over the world young people eat more and more fast food. This food is high in fat, salt and sugar. Of course we need some fat, salt and sugar and a little fast food won’t hurt us. But a lot of fast food is bad for us.

3. Sleep not less than 8-9 hours a day.
It is very important to have a calm and lasting sleep at night. Try to go to bed at the same time and not too late. It’s good to go to bed early and to get up early. Do you remember an English rhyme?
Early to bed early to rise -Makes a man, healthy, wealthy andwise.

4. Don’t give way to bad habits.
Smoking, using alcohol, taking drugs is very dangerous, especially for children and young people. It’s better not to begin. Bad habits damage our health, result is illness and even death.

10. Письмо. (виконання тесту)
T. Now it's time to check up if you know the main rules of a healthy lifestyles. I have prepared a short test for you. You have to fill in the suitable words in the blanks of the text .
" What we should do to keep fit "
Choose the correct word to fill in the blanks.
" What we should do to keep fit"
Everybody should 1) ... about their health. There are some good 2)... for keeping fit. We should keep to a 3)... and eat 4)... food. Fat food, junk food and sweet things are 5)... for our health. We should go in for 6)... . We should forget 7)... routines. We shouldn't smoke and drink 8)... .... . It's important to be in a good 9)... every day because 10)... emotions make us healthier.
1) A take B care C forget
2) A decisions B orders C rules
3) A diet B task C apple
4) A nice B healthy C clever
5) A worse B good C bad
6) A sports B parks C clubs
7) A daily B terrible C hungry
8) A soft drinks B juice C alcohol
9) A shape B fit C mood
10) A bad B positive C better

11. Підсумок уроку
T. A human body is a perfectly organized creation and it is in our hands either to be healthy, happy, prevent illnesses or to ruin our health by bad habits. You should take care of your health from the early age . And at last, write please, on these beautiful leaves –the first group –what you will do to be healthy, and the second group – what you will not do to be healthy.
12. Домашнє завдання.
Написати твір « My lifestyle
-It’s time to finish now. We have done a lot of tasks. You have worked hard. Your marks are…
Thank you for the lesson. Good bye.


Івасенко В.В.,учитель англійської мови, Піщанська гімназія


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