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Конспект урока домашнего чтения по английскому языку в 5 классе "The Lion and the Mouse"

  • user warning: Table './u7066_mpcom/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed query: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache_filter WHERE cid = '2:95066ff698931ed4a9ef850b97af1674' in /var/www/metodportal/data/www/metodportal.com/includes/cache.inc on line 27.
  • user warning: Table './u7066_mpcom/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed query: UPDATE cache_filter SET data = '<p> Николаевская общеобразовательная школа I-III ступеней № 45</p>\n<p> Конспект урока </p>\n<p> домашнего чтения</p>\n<p> по английскому языку</p>\n<p> \"The Lion and the Mouse\"</p>\n<p> в 5 классе</p>\n<p> Учитель английского языка I категории</p>\n<p> Пунина Елена Викторовна</p>\n<p> Aims: by the end of the lesson pupils will be able<br />\n- to develop their reading, listening and speaking skills through using interactive technologies;<br />\n- to use vocabulary on the topic of the lesson;<br />\n- to work in groups;<br />\n- to develop their creative imagination.<br />\nEquipment: text for home-reading \"The Lion and the Mouse\" ( appendix 1), answer sheets for listening, punched cards for control of listening, poster with the crossword, children\'s pictures, three parts of the crossword, a toy - gun and a net for Hunter.</p>\n<p>1. Introduction. Greeting<br />\n T. Hello, boys and girls! Are you ready for the lesson? How are you getting on?<br />\n1.1 Phonetic drills ( Choral Reading )<br />\n Sound [r]<br />\nright – That’s right!<br />\nwrong – That’s wrong!<br />\nIs it right? Is it wrong?<br />\nIt is right! It is wrong!<br />\nWho is right? Who is wrong?<br />\n Peter is right. Peter is wrong.<br />\n1.2 Warming - up<br />\nT. How are you? What day/ month/ year/ date is it today?<br />\nWhen do we usually celebrate New Year/ Old New Year/ Christmas/ the Epiphany? (etc.)<br />\nWe are having an unusual lesson today. We have some guests and it will be interesting for them to know if you like reading fables in English.</p>\n<p>2. MAIN PART<br />\n2.1 Homework check<br />\nWhat was your homework for today? ( Children answer the question)<br />\nSo now the aims of our lesson are: ( on the blackboard )<br />\n- to read and translate the text;<br />\n- to answer the questions;<br />\n- to recite poems;<br />\n- to improve your listening comprehension skills;<br />\n- to retell the fable;<br />\n- to dramatize the fable;<br />\n- to make the conclusion of the story.<br />\n ( The children are divided into three groups - 1) Mice 2) Lions 3) Hunters)<br />\n T. Who wants to recite a poem?<br />\n Children recite poems by heart ( appendix 2)<br />\n 2.2 Reading<br />\n Teacher reads the text for home-reading, after that the children read it.<br />\n 2.3 Work in groups. Ask and answer questions.<br />\n Group \"Mice\" ask questions group \"Lions\", group \"Lions\" answer the questions and ask questions group \"Hunters\", etc.<br />\n Who was passing through a lion’s den?<br />\n Was a mouse little or big?<br />\n What did the mouse ask the lion?<br />\n Who came to the same forest and spread a net around the lion’s den?<br />\n What did the mouse do when he heard the lion’s roar?<br />\n What did the mouse say?<br />\n What is the main idea of the fable?<br />\n 2.4 Listening Comprehension<br />\n (pupils work with answer sheets for listening comprehension and put \"plus\" if they agree with the statement or \"minus\" if they don\'t agree with it. ) </p>\n<p>1) The mouse was little. +<br />\n2) The Lion caught the mouse at first. +<br />\n3) The Lion didn\'t let the mouse go. –<br />\n4) The mouse didn\'t ask the lion anything. –<br />\n5) A month later some hunters came to the same forest. –<br />\n6) The hunters spread a net around the lion’s den. +<br />\n7) The mouse didn’t want to help the Lion. –<br />\n8) The lion was captured. +<br />\n9) The lion roared with anger. +<br />\n10) The mouse heard him and came to help. +<br />\n11) The lion wasn’t free. –<br />\n12) The smallest friend can be the strongest help. +<br />\n Teacher gives punched cards for control of listening, pupils work in pairs and correct each other.<br />\n T. Change the papers. Check your friend’s paper. How many mistakes do you have?<br />\n Who has one/ two/ three/ …/ mistakes?<br />\n Who has no mistakes?<br />\n 2.5 Crossword (appendixes 3,4,5,6 )<br />\n Pupils work in groups with tasks of the crossword and write the words on the poster. The key - word is AFTERNOON ( in the middle of the crossword).<br />\n 2.6 Paraphrase of the fable<br />\n The pupils who have competent level retell the text. The pupils who have elementary level take cards (appendix 7 ), teacher controls if they are right or wrong.<br />\n 2.7 Dramatize the fable.<br />\n Three pupils ( each one from his own group - Mice, Lions and Hunters ) dramatize the fable (appendix 8)<br />\n 3. Conclusion<br />\n 3.1 Summing - up<br />\n T. Our lesson has come to end. Thanks a lot for your work. You have worked well. Your marks are...<br />\n 3.2 Homework<br />\n The pupils who have competent level must make a dialogue. The pupils who have elementary level take grammar cards.<br />\n The lesson is over. Have a nice day! Good - bye!</p>\n', created = 1738481713, expire = 1738568113, headers = '', serialized = 0 WHERE cid = '2:95066ff698931ed4a9ef850b97af1674' in /var/www/metodportal/data/www/metodportal.com/includes/cache.inc on line 112.
  • user warning: Table './u7066_mpcom/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed query: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache_filter WHERE cid = '1:374c4f7bbeafd223c8e6450a781cb350' in /var/www/metodportal/data/www/metodportal.com/includes/cache.inc on line 27.
  • user warning: Table './u7066_mpcom/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed query: UPDATE cache_filter SET data = '<p>Пунина Елена Викторовна, учитель английского языка I категории<br />\nНиколаевская общеобразовательная школа I - III ступеней № 45</p>\n', created = 1738481713, expire = 1738568113, headers = '', serialized = 0 WHERE cid = '1:374c4f7bbeafd223c8e6450a781cb350' in /var/www/metodportal/data/www/metodportal.com/includes/cache.inc on line 112.
  • user warning: Table './u7066_mpcom/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed query: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache_filter WHERE cid = '1:969d9bdd848e897ec5b5b3b729e423f4' in /var/www/metodportal/data/www/metodportal.com/includes/cache.inc on line 27.
  • user warning: Table './u7066_mpcom/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed query: UPDATE cache_filter SET data = '<p>RESOURCES</p>\n<p>1. <a href=\"http://dictionary.cambridge.org\" title=\"http://dictionary.cambridge.org\">http://dictionary.cambridge.org</a><br />\n2. <a href=\"https://plus.google.com/.../posts/hFmZvLoiadu\" title=\"https://plus.google.com/.../posts/hFmZvLoiadu\">https://plus.google.com/.../posts/hFmZvLoiadu</a><br />\n3. leonjane.hubpages.com/hub/Poem-Mighty-Lion<br />\n4. westiejulep.blogspot.com/2013/.../ode-to-deer.h...<br />\n5. <a href=\"http://www.mainlesson.com/display.php?...lion\" title=\"www.mainlesson.com/display.php?...lion\">www.mainlesson.com/display.php?...lion</a>...<br />\n6. <a href=\"http://www.ourkids.ru/English/Poems/Mice.shtml\" title=\"www.ourkids.ru/English/Poems/Mice.shtml\">www.ourkids.ru/English/Poems/Mice.shtml</a></p>\n', created = 1738481713, expire = 1738568113, headers = '', serialized = 0 WHERE cid = '1:969d9bdd848e897ec5b5b3b729e423f4' in /var/www/metodportal/data/www/metodportal.com/includes/cache.inc on line 112.
  • user warning: Table './u7066_mpcom/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed query: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache_filter WHERE cid = '2:0ced0ef91163b154994897597fd5f6ab' in /var/www/metodportal/data/www/metodportal.com/includes/cache.inc on line 27.
  • user warning: Table './u7066_mpcom/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed query: UPDATE cache_filter SET data = '<p><a href=\"/node/4697\" title=\"Отримати до атестації сертифікат на підтвердження публікації\">Сертифікати Методичного порталу. Умови, правила та порядок замовлення</a></p>\n<p><a href=\"/sertif/reestr-e\" title=\"Реєстр електронних сертифікатів Методичного порталу. Отримати сертифікат до атестації швидко і безкоштовно\">Реєстр електронних версій сертифікатів</a></p>\n<p><a href=\"/sertif/reestr-p\" title=\"Сертифікат на підтвердження публікації на Методичному порталі (до атестації вчителів) з печаткою та QR-кодом поліграфічної якості\">Реєстр заявок друкованої (платної) версії сертифіката. </a></p>\n<p><a href=\"/node/2277\" title=\"\">Замовлення сертифіката (докладна інструкція)</a></p>\n<!--\n<a href=\"/node/5840\" title=\"\">Сертифікати Методичного порталу. Питання - відповіді</a>\n--><!--\n<a href=\"/node/5840\" title=\"\">Сертифікати Методичного порталу. Питання - відповіді</a>\n--><!--\n<a href=\"/node/5023\" title=\"\">Як роздрукувати електронну версію сертифіката</a>\n--><!--\n<a href=\"/node/5023\" title=\"\">Як роздрукувати електронну версію сертифіката</a>\n-->', created = 1738481713, expire = 1738568113, headers = '', serialized = 0 WHERE cid = '2:0ced0ef91163b154994897597fd5f6ab' in /var/www/metodportal/data/www/metodportal.com/includes/cache.inc on line 112.
  • user warning: Table './u7066_mpcom/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed query: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache_filter WHERE cid = '2:84eb3e5574742c8fa4ae080a478ab36f' in /var/www/metodportal/data/www/metodportal.com/includes/cache.inc on line 27.
  • user warning: Table './u7066_mpcom/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed query: UPDATE cache_filter SET data = '<p><img src=\"/sites/default/files/imce/user3/text200_2.png\" width=\"160\" height=\"34\" alt=\"Контакти\" align=\"right\" /></p>\n<!--\n<img src=\"/sites/default/files/imce/user3/text200.png\" width=\"160\" height=\"34\" alt=\"Контакти\" align=\"right\" />\n--><!--\n<img src=\"/sites/default/files/imce/user3/text200.png\" width=\"160\" height=\"34\" alt=\"Контакти\" align=\"right\" />\n-->', created = 1738481713, expire = 1738568113, headers = '', serialized = 0 WHERE cid = '2:84eb3e5574742c8fa4ae080a478ab36f' in /var/www/metodportal/data/www/metodportal.com/includes/cache.inc on line 112.
  • user warning: Table './u7066_mpcom/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed query: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache_filter WHERE cid = '4:04fbaf38808e37531e5f41cb1149e028' in /var/www/metodportal/data/www/metodportal.com/includes/cache.inc on line 27.
  • user warning: Table './u7066_mpcom/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed query: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache_filter WHERE cid = '1:3d838474a2bc6baf08bfee67e2aa320c' in /var/www/metodportal/data/www/metodportal.com/includes/cache.inc on line 27.
  • user warning: Table './u7066_mpcom/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed query: UPDATE cache_filter SET data = '<h2><a href=\"/user/register\">Зареєструйтесь</a>,<br />\n щоб мати можливість переглядати всі сторінки та файли,<br />\nпублікувати власні матеріали, отримувати <a href=\"/node/4697\">сертифікати</a>.</h2>\n', created = 1738481714, expire = 1738568114, headers = '', serialized = 0 WHERE cid = '1:3d838474a2bc6baf08bfee67e2aa320c' in /var/www/metodportal/data/www/metodportal.com/includes/cache.inc on line 112.
  • user warning: Table './u7066_mpcom/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed query: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache_filter WHERE cid = '4:bd26d5c1b123463aee5dc0a31e4af1d5' in /var/www/metodportal/data/www/metodportal.com/includes/cache.inc on line 27.
  • user warning: Table './u7066_mpcom/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed query: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache_filter WHERE cid = '4:e8645e480b910356631c73ddec803187' in /var/www/metodportal/data/www/metodportal.com/includes/cache.inc on line 27.

щоб мати можливість переглядати всі сторінки та файли,
публікувати власні матеріали, отримувати сертифікати.


Николаевская общеобразовательная школа I-III ступеней № 45

Конспект урока

домашнего чтения

по английскому языку

"The Lion and the Mouse"

в 5 классе

Учитель английского языка I категории

Пунина Елена Викторовна

Aims: by the end of the lesson pupils will be able
- to develop their reading, listening and speaking skills through using interactive technologies;
- to use vocabulary on the topic of the lesson;
- to work in groups;
- to develop their creative imagination.
Equipment: text for home-reading "The Lion and the Mouse" ( appendix 1), answer sheets for listening, punched cards for control of listening, poster with the crossword, children's pictures, three parts of the crossword, a toy - gun and a net for Hunter.

1. Introduction. Greeting
T. Hello, boys and girls! Are you ready for the lesson? How are you getting on?
1.1 Phonetic drills ( Choral Reading )
Sound [r]
right – That’s right!
wrong – That’s wrong!
Is it right? Is it wrong?
It is right! It is wrong!
Who is right? Who is wrong?
Peter is right. Peter is wrong.
1.2 Warming - up
T. How are you? What day/ month/ year/ date is it today?
When do we usually celebrate New Year/ Old New Year/ Christmas/ the Epiphany? (etc.)
We are having an unusual lesson today. We have some guests and it will be interesting for them to know if you like reading fables in English.

2.1 Homework check
What was your homework for today? ( Children answer the question)
So now the aims of our lesson are: ( on the blackboard )
- to read and translate the text;
- to answer the questions;
- to recite poems;
- to improve your listening comprehension skills;
- to retell the fable;
- to dramatize the fable;
- to make the conclusion of the story.
( The children are divided into three groups - 1) Mice 2) Lions 3) Hunters)
T. Who wants to recite a poem?
Children recite poems by heart ( appendix 2)
2.2 Reading
Teacher reads the text for home-reading, after that the children read it.
2.3 Work in groups. Ask and answer questions.
Group "Mice" ask questions group "Lions", group "Lions" answer the questions and ask questions group "Hunters", etc.
Who was passing through a lion’s den?
Was a mouse little or big?
What did the mouse ask the lion?
Who came to the same forest and spread a net around the lion’s den?
What did the mouse do when he heard the lion’s roar?
What did the mouse say?
What is the main idea of the fable?
2.4 Listening Comprehension
(pupils work with answer sheets for listening comprehension and put "plus" if they agree with the statement or "minus" if they don't agree with it. )

1) The mouse was little. +
2) The Lion caught the mouse at first. +
3) The Lion didn't let the mouse go. –
4) The mouse didn't ask the lion anything. –
5) A month later some hunters came to the same forest. –
6) The hunters spread a net around the lion’s den. +
7) The mouse didn’t want to help the Lion. –
8) The lion was captured. +
9) The lion roared with anger. +
10) The mouse heard him and came to help. +
11) The lion wasn’t free. –
12) The smallest friend can be the strongest help. +
Teacher gives punched cards for control of listening, pupils work in pairs and correct each other.
T. Change the papers. Check your friend’s paper. How many mistakes do you have?
Who has one/ two/ three/ …/ mistakes?
Who has no mistakes?
2.5 Crossword (appendixes 3,4,5,6 )
Pupils work in groups with tasks of the crossword and write the words on the poster. The key - word is AFTERNOON ( in the middle of the crossword).
2.6 Paraphrase of the fable
The pupils who have competent level retell the text. The pupils who have elementary level take cards (appendix 7 ), teacher controls if they are right or wrong.
2.7 Dramatize the fable.
Three pupils ( each one from his own group - Mice, Lions and Hunters ) dramatize the fable (appendix 8)
3. Conclusion
3.1 Summing - up
T. Our lesson has come to end. Thanks a lot for your work. You have worked well. Your marks are...
3.2 Homework
The pupils who have competent level must make a dialogue. The pupils who have elementary level take grammar cards.
The lesson is over. Have a nice day! Good - bye!


Пунина Елена Викторовна, учитель английского языка I категории
Николаевская общеобразовательная школа I - III ступеней № 45



1. http://dictionary.cambridge.org
2. https://plus.google.com/.../posts/hFmZvLoiadu
3. leonjane.hubpages.com/hub/Poem-Mighty-Lion
4. westiejulep.blogspot.com/2013/.../ode-to-deer.h...
5. www.mainlesson.com/display.php?...lion...
6. www.ourkids.ru/English/Poems/Mice.shtml


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