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Виховний захід “My Native Motherland – Ukraine”

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Мета заходу: Розширити й поглибити знання учнів про рідну країну англійською мовою; мотивувати учнів до вивчення іноземної мови; активізувати країнознавчі знання й мовні уміння; розвивати навички до колективної роботи, логічного мислення; виховувати почуття любові до рідної землі та пісні; гордості за свою країну;

Обладнання: зал, прикрашений національними символами, картою України, повітряними кульками національних кольорів; ноутбук, проектор, презентація.

Контингент учасників: учні початкових та середніх класів

Тривалість: 35 хвилин

Місце проведення: актова зала

Очікувані результати:
 Формування ціннісного ставлення до держави, українського народу, його мови, звичаїв і традицій;
 Усвідомлення цінності людського життя та тих складових частин, які впливають на нього, роблять його багатогранним, плідним і корисним.

Хід проведення заходу

Сцена прикрашена національними символами України, картою України, повітряними кульками.

Вступне слово вчителя:
T: Good morning, dear guests, teachers and pupils! Nice to see you at our English-speaking party “My native Motherland - Ukraine”. Our party is dedicated to our Motherland-Ukraine.

Звучить народна музика. На сцену в національних костюмах виходять ведучі.
P1: I met a crane one sunny day
“Where do you live?”
I asked the crane
“My home is here in Ukraine”.
P2: The country we were born is our Motherland, our native land. Our Motherland is our native city, the house we live in, the snowball tree in our gardens and our Ukrainian songs and dances.
It does not touch me, not a whit
If I live in Ukraine or no,
If men recall me, or forget,
Lost as I am, in foreign snow, —
Touches me not the slightest whit.
Captive, to manhood I have grown
In strangers’ homes, and by my own
Unmourned, a weeping captive still,
I’ll die, all that is mine, I will
Bear off; let not a trace remain
In our glorious Ukraine.
Our own land – yet a strangers’ rather.
And speaking with his son, no father
Will recall, nor bit him: Pray, Pray,
son! Of old, for our Ukraine,
They tortured all his life away.
It does not touch me, not a whit,
Whether that son will pray or no…
But it does touch me deep if knave,
Evil rogues lull our Ukraine
Asleep, and only in the flames
Let her, all plundered, wake again…
That touches me with deepest pain.

P1: We live in Ukraine, a beautiful land
It’s home for me and you, my friend,
Its towns and villages are so nice
The Ukrainian people are wise.
P2: We were born in Ukraine, so we are Ukrainian children, the future of our wonderful country.
P1: Pupils of our school dream to study, to get professions and work for our Motherland.

На сцену виходять учні, у костюмах представників різних професій і читають вірші.

1. I want to be a worker
At a modern plant
And make machines and lorries
For our Motherland.

2. I dream I am a weaver,
And make the cloth so nice
That everybody likes it,
And everybody buys.

3. I want to be a driver
Of a lorry or a car
And to drive along the roads
Very quickly, very far.

4. I am very fond of cooking
That’s why I want to be a cook
I’ll manage to cook meals
Using my cookery-book.

5. I want to be a brave pilot
I want to learn to fly
In a plane or in a spaceship
High up in the blue sky.

6. I want to be a teacher
As all of you understand
I’ll teach my pupils to read and write
And love our Ukrainian land.
7. I want to be a solder,
I am ready to defend
The peaceful work of Ukrainian people,
The borders of our land.

Song «Ukraine» by Taras Petrinenko
There is no other road to go
While Milky Way burns in the sky.
I’m so lucky to explore
Your golden paths in fields of rye.
There is no other way to love you
And you will always be in bloom.
It’s worth to live and coming back to,
My country I belong to you!
My Ukraine, my dear country,
After road which always bends
Faithful heart that’s full of loving
I’m commending to your hands.
Our love is strong like never was it
And aspiration never dies.
We’ll burn with our emotions
Another thousand of hearts.
Our candles are burning still somehow
And youth is a preference of us
The things we’re doing here and now
The time and people will discuss.

На сцену виходять учні і розповідають про Україну.

P1: This is Ukraine. Its total area is more than 60 000 square km. It borders on Belarus, Poland, Moldova, Romania, Hungary and Slovakia.
P2: Its population is more than 47 million. Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine.
P3: The largest cities are Kharkiv, Lviv, Odesa and Dniepropetrovsk. The main rivers are the Dnipro, the Bug and the Dniester.
P4: There are three main official symbols of Ukraine: its emblem, flag and anthem. Our national emblem is a golden trident on a blue background. The trident is the symbol of power.
P5: Our flag is yellow and blue. Yellow symbolizes golden grain fields and the sun. Blue symbolizes the blue sky. We have our own language, which is Ukrainian.
P6: The Ukrainian language took the second place in the world on melodic criteria after Italian. People live in the cities, towns, villages and in the country.
P7: I think that our people are hospitable, talented, hard-working and friendly.
P8: Our people are good both at work and rest. We like to sing, dance and play musical instruments.

Song «A Song about a Towel» by A. Malishko, music by Mayboroda.
Dear Mother of mine, your long nights had been sleepless.
I remember you brought me to field countryside.
And without your blessing on my way rather tough I’d be helpless,
For my luck you bestowed the towel white.
And without your blessing on my way rather tough I’d be he
For my luck you bestowed embroidered the towel white.
Let it blossom in nice dewy glorious pathway,
Nightingales and green woods will exist there too.
And my mum’s tender smile that illumes and inspires my soul,
And your kind truthful eyes, that will never betray.
And my mum’s tender smile, that illumes and inspires my soul.
And your sad truthful eyes that will never, will never betray.
I’ll accept your sweet gift for my fate to be happy,
In the wonderful songs of the birds and green grass.
Let that cloth will remind me of your love and your hasty departure,
Of your pray and true love so vital for us.
Let that cloth will remind me of your love and your hasty departure,
Of your pray and true love so vital and dear for us.

Tell the pupil of the fourth form about Ukraine

I live in Ukraine.
My country is big.
There are a lot of cities, towns and villages in it.
The nature of my country is beautiful.
There are rivers, lakes, mountains and forests in
Summer is hot in my country.
Winter is cold and there is much snow.
I love my country very much.

The pupils of the ninth form are telling about their country<
P1: Ukraine is a sovereign state.
The independence of Ukraine was pro¬
claimed on the 24th of August, 1991.
Its sovereignty is now recognized by
all the countries of the world.
It has its own territory, government,
national emblem, state flag and

Р2: The geographical position of Ukraine
is very favourable for the development
of its relations with the countries of
Europe, as well as with the countries
throughout the world.
It is washed by the Black Sea and the
Sea of Azov.
Р3: Ukraine is one of the members of the
United Nations Organization (UNO)
and paticipates in the work of many
international organizations.
Scientists of Ukraine have made a great
con tri bution to the world science.

P1: We are Ukrainians! We are proud of our country!
P2: We want to have a rich and flowering country!
P1: We don’t want know the word “war”!
P2: We’ll love and take care about Ukraine!
P1: Love Ukraine, love it like the sun,
Like the wind, and grass and water,
In the hour of happiness and in the time of joy,
Love it hour of misfortune.
P2: Love Ukraine in your dream
And when you are awake,
Your cherry like Ukraine
Its beauty eternally live and new
And its language like that of the nightingale.

Anthem of Ukraine
Glorious spirit of Ukraine shines and lives forever
Blessed by Fortune brotherhood will stand up together
Like the dew before the sun enemies will fade
We will further rule and prosper in our promised land
We will lay our soul and body for the cherished freedom
Cossack blood will raise the nation of the joyous people
For the liberty the folk strives ardently from San to Don
And will let no alien power in our common home
Aged Dnieper and Black Sea arm in arm rejoice
And Ukraine will see daylight and live by Fortune's choiсe
We will lay our soul and body for the cherished freedom
Cossack blood will raise the nation of the joyous people
Passion and hard-working hands prove bright future true
Song of freedom , louse and clear , guides us all way through
Over mountains and steppes it flows , over ages told
Valorous Ukraine stands strong in a thriving world
We will lay our soul and body for the cherished freedom
Cossack blood will raise the nation of the joyous people
We will lay our soul and body for the cherished freedom
Cossack blood will raise the nation of the joyous people

На сцену виходять всі учасники заходу.
Ch: We live in Ukraine!
We love Ukraine!
We want to have peace and friendship in Ukraine!


Стрєлкова Надія Олександрівна
вчитель англійської мови
НВК «ЗОШ І – ІІ ст. – ДНЗ» с. Мощаниця


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