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Конспект уроку на тему
Хід уроку
1.Початок уроку. Привітання. Організація групи. Введення в іншомовну атмосферу. Мовленнєва розминка.
Teacher: Good morning! How are you? It’s high time to begin our lesson. Today we have an unusual one. There are some guests here. Let’s greet them. Good morning!
Sit down, please. Will you smile? Well, I see you’re in a good mood today. So, don’t be shy. Let’s start. But to guess the topic of our lesson I propose you to listen to the poem.
Some people live in the country
Where the houses are very small,
Some people live in the city
Where the houses are very tall.
But in the country where the houses are small,
The gardens are very big,
And in the city where the houses are tall,
There are no gardens at all.

Teacher: Pupils, tell me, please, what is this poem about?
(Pupils’ answers.)
You’re right. As you’ve understood we’ll continue working on the theme “City and country life” today. The subject of our today’s lesson is controversial. Today we’re going to talk about advantages and disadvantages of living in the city and in the country. We’ll compare rural and urban ways of life and decide which of them is better.
Mason Cooley once said, “Knowledge and power are in the city; peace and health are in the country.” What things are more important for you? What place is better for you to live?
1. Take a free microphone and express your point of view.
Pupils’ answers:
-I’d prefer to live in the country and breathe fresh air.
-My choice is a city, of course. Only in the city you can taste a real life.
-Rural life is more preferable for me because everybody knows each other and people are friendly.
-In my opinion it’s much better to live in the city where the services are better.
-I’m a keen cinema-goer, and only in the city I can visit a good movie theatre.
-By all means rural life is better for me, as I am fond of fishing.
-City life is the best for me, as I’m a sports fan and in the city I can visit the
matches of my favourite football team.
-I adore walking in the fields and forests. That’s why I choose rural life.
-It’s dangerous to live in a big city nowadays as the crime rate is constantly increasing. I prefer a quiet country life.
-As most young people I prefer to live in big city and have the opportunity to go shopping in the huge trading centres.
-I am sure I’d like to live in the city as there are better job and education opportunities there.
Teacher: As I see, tastes differ. Let’s work more on the topic and at the end of the lesson we’ll see if your opinions remain the same.
II. Основна частина уроку
2.Активізація лексики.
Teacher: First of all let’s repeat some words on the topic. You’ll get cards with the words and some definitions of the words. Read the definition to each other and guess which word it is. If the word refers to the city, stick it to the city circle. If the word refers to the country, stick it to the country one.
Let’ s start!
City words
1. A building with several rooms for paying guests to stay in.(hotel)
2. A large self-service store selling food and household goods. (supermarket)
3. An area of land used for enjoyment of the public. (park)
4. A building for displaying objects of artistic interest. (museum)
Country words
1.A small house in the countryside or in a village. (cottage)
2.A place where goods are sold. (shop)
3.A group of growing trees.(wood)
4.A mill used for pumping water or grinding grain.(windmill)
T; Does this word refer to the city or to the country?
P: It refers to the country.
T: So, stick it to the country column, please.
Pupils stick the words on the blackboard in two columns.
2.Teacher: Now we are going to work in pairs. (Pupils get cards of two colours on which the words hotel, shop, wood and park are written)
Take your cards, please. Stand up and find your partner. Pupils who have the same words join each other. Now you’ll have to exchange information with your partner about the place you live in . Ask and answer as in the example.
On the board there is an example:
A: Do you live in the town or in the village?
B: I live in a … .
A: Have you got a house or a flat?
B: I’ve got a … .
A: What is there near your house/ flat?
B: There is /there are … near my house/flat.
Orange cards – you ask questions, yellow cards – you answer the questions. You have one minute. Now switch the roles. Yellow cards ask questions and orange ones – answer the questions.
Now, tell your dialogues, please.
3. Now, close your eyes and think about the town of Terebovlia. Think about the most popular places tourists like to go in Terebovlia.
Pupils’ answers: There’s an old fortress. There’s a castle. There are some parks and bridges. There are some monuments.
4. Watching a video (підручник Сlick on Unit 4.Cities and villages.)
Teacher: Now, let’s imagine that we are in England. You’ll see a short video about two different places in this country. Be very attentive because after watching it we’ll have to do some tasks.
What’s your idea of a dream holiday? Do you like a taste of a big and busy city or you prefer a quiet and peaceful place? Let’s have a look at a couple of places. You can decide for yourself.
This is Sheffield. It’s a big city in the north of England. About eight hundred thousand people live and work in Sheffield. There are wide busy roads and trams that take people around the city. Sheffield is a lively place with lots of department stores, museums, theatres, big open parks and a cathedral in the centre. There’s lots to do all year round in Sheffield.
And I’m in Southwold, a small town on the east coast of England. Most of the year about three thousand people live there, but in the summer months, when holiday visitors arrive, the population can double to a range of six thousand. Streets are narrow and the shops are small. Lots of people in Southwold live in houses, but there are also small picturesque cottages. And I can tell you that it’s not as noisy as a big city. For entertainments there are a few restaurants and cafes to visit. And there you can see a long peavey beach where you can go for a walk in summer or in winter. So, what’s the place you’d like best?
5. Group work.
Teacher: Now, we’ll have to work in groups. Take your hats and change your seats. YELLOW HATS– you are Sheffield group. Sit on the right. BLUE HATS – you are Southwold group. Sit on the left.

In groups, you’ll have to fill in the tables about Sheffield and Southwold. But to get the information , you’ll have to work in groups.
Stand up, please. Make two circles. BLUE HATS make a smaller circle. YELLOW HATS MAKE a bigger one. Face each other, please. (Teacher gives pupils the list with the questions) BLUE and YELLOW HATS, you should ask and answer each other’s questions about Sheffield and Southwold. YELLOW HATS, change your partners after each question moving in a circle.
What size is Sheffield?
Where is it located?
What is the population of Sheffield?
What kind of transport do people use?
What are the places for entertainment?
What size is Southwold?
Where is it located?
What is the population of Southwold?
What kind of transport do people use?
What are the places for entertainment?

6. Now, sit down and fill in the tables. You have two minutes. (Pupils fill in the tables)
Sheffield Southwold

Now, look at the screen and check the information, you’ve got.

7. Presentation of Sheffield and Southwold.
Now, imagine that you live in Sheffield and you live in Southwold. Use the information from the table to present your places. You have two minutes. (A pupil from each group presents his place)
Sheffield is a big city in the north of England. About eight hundred thousand people live in it. Sheffield is a lively place. The roads are busy. People use trams, trolley buses and taxis to get around the city. There are department stores, museums, theatres, parks and a cathedral in the centre.
Southwold is a small town on the east coast of England. Three thousand people live in it. The streets are narrow and the shops are small. It is not as noisy as a big city. There are some restaurants and cafes in the town. There is a beach in Southwold, too.
Teacher: Now let’s have a short discussion. We’ll talk about advantages and disadvantages of living in the city and in the countryside.
But we have invited a guest. This young lady is an expert. She has been studying this question for many years and she has spoken to many people to get their opinions. Today she’s happy to be here and share her thoughts with us.
Good morning, Miss Evans. Good morning. We are very glad to see you in our studio.
Sit down, please.
Teacher: Let’s start our discussion. So, what do you think about lives in the city and in the countryside? Are they different?

P1(city):Yes, of course. In my opinion, living in the city is very interesting and exciting. There’s so much to do and see! You can visit an art gallery, go to a restaurant or just do shopping in a huge trading centre.

P2(country): But I should admit that the town is crowded and noisy. There are a lot of vehicles on the roads and people are always busy. They run and run around looking at their clocks.

P3(country): Besides, most of the towns are polluted. Water and air are dangerous and more crimes and accidents take place there.

P4(expert):That’s true. But in the city there are more opportunities for making money and getting a better education. You can attend schools, colleges or universities where experienced teachers and professors are ready to satisfy your thirst for knowledge.

P5(country):I don’t agree . New technologies and the Internet are in every part of the world now. So, you can get education or job online.

P6 (expert): Not a bad idea, I guess.

P7(city):As for me, I’m against rural life because it’s very boring. There’s nothing to do there.

P8(country): You are mistaken. Village people are closer to nature. What can be better than going fishing in the river or listening to birds’ singing in the wood!

P9(city):I’m for living in the city, because communication and transportation systems are more developed here and the city dwellers can choose the one they like best .You can get in touch with a friend or talk to him by phone without leaving your home.

P10(expert): In addition, city dwellers have an access to (доступ до) the well-developed medical service. You’ll get qualified doctor’s help in every modern hospital or clinic.

P11(country):For many people village life is the best because it is quiet and safe. There aren’t many cars, factories and big shops, but there are woods, rivers and fields. Every day you can enjoy clean air and beautiful nature.

P13(country):Moreover, most of the people in villages are relatives and friends. They know and help each other.

P14( city ): In spite of all the disadvantages I still prefer living in the city but at the weekend I and my family go to the countryside with great pleasure.

P15(expert):Conclusion. I think it’s not important where you live. What is more important – the reasons. For some people this is a job, for others – it’s relatives and friends.
I have conducted an Internet survey to know how many people are for living in the city and how many people are for living in the countryside. Here are the results (on the screen). As you can see, 65% of people are for living in the city and 35% are for living in the village.
Teacher: Thank you very much for such an interesting information we’ve got. We’ll be very glad to see you with us the next time. Good buy.
T: So many people, so many opinions. As you see, lives in the town and in the countryside have their pros and cons, and it depends on a person which one to choose.
Teacher: Now, we are going to make TV advertisements persuading people to live in the city or in the country. YELLOW HATS will persuade us to move to the city and the BLUE HATS will tell us about good sides of living in the village. Complete your projects with the appropriate pictures. You have two minutes for this task.
Teacher: Ok, I hope you are ready . Listen to each other’s presentations attentively and say if you’ve changed your mind about city and country life at the end of our lesson.
Moo, cock-a –doodle-doo, quack.
Oh, my goodness, it’s 5 o’clock in the morning. Get up and sing! Enjoy every minute of your life. Fresh air, peace and nature will be your best friends.
Sweet strawberries and cherries, mmm, yummy. Fresh vegetables and fruit are here for you every day. Hm, should I mention the opportunity to exercise in your garden to grow it all. You’ll be fit as a fiddle living in the country.
Besides, living in the countryside is cheaper and safer than in a city. Helpful and friendly people are all around you. They know everything about you, so they can give you good advice. Life in the country is so easy and slow. You’ll taste every minute of it.
Don’t be frustrated with the entertainment opportunities. One can always enjoy birds watching, swimming, hiking or fishing. Working in the fields will give you a wonderful opportunity to keep fit without any fees.
Forget about traffic jams, rush hours, filthy cars and sticky underground. You will walk short distances or use your car to drive longer ones.
Just imagine the feeling of living in your own house: there are no noisy neighbours playing the piano all the nights long, there is a lot of space and you do not need to turn your music down even at 12p.m. What can be better!
Don’t think that it’s more difficult to get good education in the village. New technologies and the Internet are in every part of our world now. You and your kids can get education or job online. So, don’t miss the chance of your life to change everything for better. Come and live in the countryside. Be healthy and happy!

Bustling streets, the smell of outdoor cafes, the lights of city ads. Welcome to the fairy-tale. All these and a lot more you can see living in the city.
Shoping, shopping is everywhere: huge departmrnt stores, supermarkets, antique shops and fashion boutiques are open for you 24 hours a day – keep your purse open.
Cinemas, theatres, nightclubs and restaurants are waiting for you. If you are a sport fan or keen on reading, hundreds of sporting events, numerous libraries are available to suit every taste.
The speed of your life is unbelievable. Beep, beep, chooh, chooh, oh, save my ears. Use comfortable and fast public transport to get wherever you want. Cars, trains, buses, trolleybuses and taxis will take you to any part of the city very quickly.
The best schools, colleges and universities, language and driving courses can make you the cleverest person ever. Job opportunities are enormous. One can find a job to suit any taste. Money, money, money. Yes, you need a lot of it to live in the city.
Don’t forget all those museums, art galleries, concert halls and sights. You can easily find where to go and what to see, if you have time, of course. OK, don’t be silly, come and live in a big city, make your life an everlasting holiday!
Teacher: Great job. Your ads were brilliant.
Now tell me please if your views about country and city life have changed?
P1. No, I still prefer to live in a big city despite all the beauties of the countryside.
P2: As for me, now I think that maybe I will move to the country when I am old.
III. Заключна частина уроку. Підведення підсумків, виставлення оцінок. Пояснення домашнього завдання.
Teacher: I believe you know a lot about living in the city and country now. Your work today was excellent.
Name three cities in Ukraine.
Name two popular places.
Name one thing you have liked about the lesson.
Your homework is to write a short text (10 sentences) expressing your personal opinion about living in the city and in the country .
Today you’ve learnt a lot about the life in the city and in the country but I hope you’ll remember that:
It is not the places that grace the men, but men grace the places.
Thank you for the lesson. The lesson is over. Good buy!


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