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My family and friends

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Topic: My family and friends
Aim: дати уявлення школярам про соціальне поняття слова «сім’я»; ознайомити з основними правилами вимови слів та виразів по темі, залучення до спілкування з друзями. Виховувати повагу до старших, формувати у дітей доброзичливість, толерантність, вміння піклуватись про близьких людей.
Outcomes: вміти описувати себе або друзів чи членів родини, вживати подані словосполучення по темі опису друга, мотивувати зусилля учнів до самостійного оволодіння матеріалом теми, вміти вживати дієслова у Past Simple.
Objectives: практикуватися у вживання Past Simple, практикуватися у описі свого друга чи члена родини, опанування учнями комунікативної компетенціх на рівні достатньому для іншомовного спілкування у чотирьох видах мовленнєвої діяльності.
Equipment: підручники, зошити, малюнки сімей різного типу, leptop, QR codes, mind maps, мультик.
1. Greeting: Good morning children! I am glad to see you. Is everything all right? Are you ready for the lesson?
2. Phonetic drills: T: Let us recollect the motto of our lessons,
Ps: New things to know……….
T: Thank you dear children, I am happy to hear it.
3. Warning up: T: Oh, who is on duty today?
T: All right, thank you. Let us have a talk and please try to give answers about yourself. Where is our ball?
4. Speaking: T: So, the theme of our today`s lesson is “Family and Friends”. We will learn to speak about very important things for everybody of us, about a family. What is your family for you?
And now I want to concentrate your attention of the main figures of a family.(1 pupils read the sentences)
5. Projects: And 2 our pupils prepare a short video presentations about family and best friends. Let`s watch what they do.
6. And now I want to see how you prepared your hometask? Here are the words, which you were to learn. Let`s repeat once again.
(Neat, tidy, hard-working, talk active, emotional, friendly, sociable, disciplined, untidy, lazy, serious, energetic, optimistic, kind, helpful, polite)
I`m very glad, that you have learned those words well, because the theme of our today`s lesson is closely connected with them.
So, let`s say something pleasant for example about …….
7. Writing: I want to give you these papers and please try to complete mind maps, what words and word combination you associate with the words family and friends.
8. Speaking: Look at the board, please try to complete the story according to these pictures. And please one pupil – one sentence.
9. I am going to read some statements for you, listen attentively and say me please if you agree or disagree with the following statements.
• Every family usually has its own optimal size and atmosphere, hasn`t it?
• All members of every family have to take care of each other, haven`t they?
• Family is a single word with very different and important meanings, isn`t it?
• Your family is a real place, where you can find love, peace and support, isn`t it?
• ALL members of your family always try to spend free time together, don`t they?
10. And now the task you like most of all you need your phones and with QR code reader do the next task. Scan QR codes, then write down the proverbs and try to find the right Ukrainian translation.
11. And let`s have a rest and watch a short cartoon about real relationships.
12. Summarizing:
• Home task:

• We have done a lot of work today.
• What task did you lite?
• What was difficult for you?
• Do you like to work with QR codes?
• Do you like to complete the text pictures?
• And now you marks.
• The lesson is over. Thank you very much.


Дмитренко Наталія Ігорівна учитель англійської мови НВК №2 м.Немирова


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