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Розробка уроку і презентація з англійської мови "Shop till you drop"

  • user warning: Table './u7066_mpcom/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed query: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache_filter WHERE cid = '2:e8e85d3500fb8aea52d5f788aa52da2e' in /var/www/metodportal/data/www/metodportal.com/includes/cache.inc on line 27.
  • user warning: Table './u7066_mpcom/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed query: UPDATE cache_filter SET data = '<p>Topic: “ Shop till you drop”</p>\n<p>Objectives:<br />\n- to revise and enrich students’ vocabulary on the topic;<br />\n- to improve students’ listening, reading, speaking skills;<br />\n- to practice the active vocabulary of the topic;<br />\n- to practice with grammar material.</p>\n<p>Equpment: textbooks, presentation, text soundtrack for listening, computer, multimedia screen, copybooks. </p>\n<p>Procedure<br />\nІ. Inroduction<br />\nT: Good morning, pupils. I’m glad to see you. How are you?<br />\nPs: We are fine.</p>\n<p>ІІ. Warming - up<br />\nT: Who is on duty today?<br />\nP: I’m am on duty today.<br />\nT: Who is absent?<br />\nP: … is (are) absent.<br />\nT: What day is it today?<br />\nP: Today is Monday.<br />\nT: What date is it today?<br />\nP: Today is the twenty fourth of November.(1.1 слайд)<br />\nT: Do you like to go shopping?</p>\n<p>ІІІ. Motivation</p>\n<p>T: Shops take the largest part of our daily life. We cannot imagine our life without shops, stores or markets. That is why we are continue to talk about shops. Also you know that without grammar you won’t understand any English programs, songs, films or some information. Today we’ll also study new words about comparisons.</p>\n<p>ІV. Notification of lesson’s topic and aim (1.2 слайд)<br />\nWho ever said money<br />\ncan’t buy happiness simply<br />\ndidn’t know where to go shopping.<br />\n Bo Derek<br />\nT: So today we’ll discuss the theme “Shop till you drop”. ( 1 слайд)<br />\nYour aim is to get new information about shops , to learn new words and expressions, to discuss the problem at the lesson, to express your own opinion, to read and listen to the text, to practice grammar material “ Comparisons ”.</p>\n<p>V. Updating students’ knowledge and skills. Control homework<br />\nT: - What do you know about shopping?<br />\n- What kinds of shops do you know ?<br />\n- What do you like to buy there?<br />\n- What is your favourite shop or department store in our town?<br />\nT: Your home task was to study new words to the topic. Open your exercise–books and write down today’s day and date. Look at the screen of your computers and choose the words from the list to label the pictures.(2 слайд)<br />\nP1–P2–P3–P4 …<br />\nInteractive exercise «Brain storm».<br />\nT: Ok. Well done. As you can see there are a lot of shops. Next task is to match shops with the things which you can buy there.(3 слайд)<br />\nT: Let’s check….(4 слайд)<br />\nVІ. Listening<br />\nT: And now you will listen the text about Paris and the shops in it. You need to read the statements at your screens and mark them as true “T” or false “F”. Please, be attentive.(5 слайд)<br />\n1. The shopper’s paradise is Paris. T<br />\n2. Antique lovers can not find fantastic furniture in the small antique shops. F<br />\n3. There are a lot of bookstalls lining the banks of the River Thames. F<br />\n4. The largest department store in Paris is on Boulevard Lafayette. F<br />\n5. The Marais is a group of little streets with some of the trendiest boutiques. T<br />\n6. Shops in Paris are usually open from eight till seven. T<br />\n7. Shops are open from Monday till Friday. F<br />\n8. The big sale come after Christmas. T<br />\n9. There is always something to suit everyone’s pocket and taste. T<br />\nT: OK. Let’s check….(6 слайд)<br />\n1) Pre-reading activity. (7 слайд)<br />\na) T: But first, look at the board. Listen and repeat after me these words.<br />\nb) T: Now read the text in chain.</p>\n<p>2) Reading<br />\nT: Now open, please, your books at page 19 ex.6. You can see the text which you have already listened. But be attentive, because after reading you’ll have the task. Let’s start reading, ……. ……next.<br />\n3) Checking the understanding of the content.<br />\nT:You have 4 headings and 4 paragraphs. It’s very easy task. You’ll have a minute. Are you ready?(8 слайд)<br />\n4) Lexical work.<br />\nT:Ok. Write down, please, ex.7, p.19. Denis read the task. You need completed phrases. Write , please, the whole phrases into your copybooks. </p>\n<p>T:Well, let’s check…(9 слайд)</p>\n<p>VII. Work with grammar material. Comparison.<br />\nT: - What do you know about Comparisons?<br />\n- Which form do you know?<br />\n- How to make comparative form?<br />\n- How to make superlative form?(10 слайд)<br />\nT: Well. One –syllable adjectives add – (e)r to form their comparative form.<br />\nOne –syllable adjectives add – (e)st to form their superlative form. Two –syllable adjectives ending in –ly,-y, -w add – (e)r to form their comparative form and – (e)st to form their superlative form, but they drop – y and take –ier/-iest .<br />\nAdjectives of two or more syllables take more to form their comparative form and most to form their superlative form.<br />\nT: - Do you know irregular adjectives? There are also some irregular adjectives.<br />\n(11 слайд)<br />\nT: Write down, please, these adjectives and their forms into your copybooks.</p>\n<p>VIII. Backing of learned material<br />\nT:Look at your screens. You need to complete the table and fill the missing comparative or superlative forms. (12 слайд)<br />\nAdjective Comparative Superlative<br />\nbig the biggest<br />\nshort shotter<br />\nbeautiful more beautiful<br />\ngood the best<br />\ncheap<br />\nbad worse<br />\nexpansive<br />\nlarge the largest<br />\nlong longer </p>\n<p>T: Let’s check …(13 cлайд)<br />\nT: And now find the words and write them down. (14 слайд)<br />\n1)Puzzle</p>\n<p>C S L O P P N B<br />\nH B A K E R Y O<br />\nE O C D R N L O<br />\nM U E K F G O K<br />\nI T N P U S N S<br />\nS I O N M C A T<br />\nT Q B R E A D A<br />\nS U G A R P R L<br />\nI E O S T A L L<br />\nwords: chemist’s, boutique, lace, perfume, cap, nylon, bookstall, bakery, bread, sugar, stall.<br />\n2)Test<br />\nT: What type of clothes do like wearing? Do you follow fashion? Do the test and you’ ll find out.(15, 16 слайди)<br />\nA Passion for Fashion<br />\n1. You are having lunch in town with your friends now.<br />\n What are you wearing?<br />\n A jeans and a T-shirt<br />\n B a business suit<br />\n C a new designer outfit and sunglasses</p>\n<p>2. Your best friend is having a party next Saturday.<br />\n How long does it take you to get ready?<br />\n A forty minutes<br />\n B ten minutes<br />\n C all day</p>\n<p>3. It is raining now and it’s quite cold. what are you wearing?.<br />\n A a raincoat and gloves<br />\n B a warm coat, waterproof boots and woolen cap<br />\n C a fur coat</p>\n<p>4. Your friends are taking you camping next Saturday.<br />\n What do you pack?<br />\n A trainers, shorts and a waterproof coat<br />\n B your laptop and your diary<br />\n C you never go camping because your clothes might get dirty<br />\n………………………………………………………………………………………T : Ok. Now count which letters do you more As, Bs or Cs. Let’s see the results.<br />\nWho has mostly As. (17 слайд) </p>\n<p>Mostly As: You are calm and practical and<br />\nyou have a healthy attitude to fashion. Well<br />\ndone!</p>\n<p>T :Who has mostly Bs ? (18 слайд)…<br />\nMostly Bs: You are old-fashioned. Lt’s time<br />\nto buy something new. You are hard-working,<br />\nbut stop thinking about work all the time and<br />\nwork on your image a little.</p>\n<p>T :Who has mostly Cs ? (19 слайд)…</p>\n<p>Mostly Cs: You are a dedicated follower of<br />\nfashion, but it’s time to think less about what<br />\nyou look like and enjoy yourself a bit more.</p>\n<p>IX. Summing up<br />\n1. Analysis of students work during lesson (20 слайд)<br />\nT: What topic were we discussing today?<br />\nWhat new words you have learned ?Can you remember?<br />\nWhat types of activity did we do?<br />\nWas it difficult for you?<br />\n2. Marks<br />\nT: Your marks are ….<br />\nXІ. Home task<br />\nT: (21 слайд) Your home task is to retell the topic “Shopping in Paris” or to make your own presentations about shops and to learn irregular adjectives.(22 слайд)</p>\n', created = 1738476513, expire = 1738562913, headers = '', serialized = 0 WHERE cid = '2:e8e85d3500fb8aea52d5f788aa52da2e' in /var/www/metodportal/data/www/metodportal.com/includes/cache.inc on line 112.
  • user warning: Table './u7066_mpcom/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed query: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache_filter WHERE cid = '1:48f3f07f100931fba1d8dec2e412b54c' in /var/www/metodportal/data/www/metodportal.com/includes/cache.inc on line 27.
  • user warning: Table './u7066_mpcom/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed query: UPDATE cache_filter SET data = '<p>Пелипенко Марина Леонідівна<br />\nзавідувач відділення, викладач англійської мови<br />\nДВНЗ «Білоцерківський механіко-енергетичний технікум»</p>\n', created = 1738476514, expire = 1738562914, headers = '', serialized = 0 WHERE cid = '1:48f3f07f100931fba1d8dec2e412b54c' in /var/www/metodportal/data/www/metodportal.com/includes/cache.inc on line 112.
  • user warning: Table './u7066_mpcom/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed query: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache_filter WHERE cid = '2:0ced0ef91163b154994897597fd5f6ab' in /var/www/metodportal/data/www/metodportal.com/includes/cache.inc on line 27.
  • user warning: Table './u7066_mpcom/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed query: UPDATE cache_filter SET data = '<p><a href=\"/node/4697\" title=\"Отримати до атестації сертифікат на підтвердження публікації\">Сертифікати Методичного порталу. Умови, правила та порядок замовлення</a></p>\n<p><a href=\"/sertif/reestr-e\" title=\"Реєстр електронних сертифікатів Методичного порталу. Отримати сертифікат до атестації швидко і безкоштовно\">Реєстр електронних версій сертифікатів</a></p>\n<p><a href=\"/sertif/reestr-p\" title=\"Сертифікат на підтвердження публікації на Методичному порталі (до атестації вчителів) з печаткою та QR-кодом поліграфічної якості\">Реєстр заявок друкованої (платної) версії сертифіката. </a></p>\n<p><a href=\"/node/2277\" title=\"\">Замовлення сертифіката (докладна інструкція)</a></p>\n<!--\n<a href=\"/node/5840\" title=\"\">Сертифікати Методичного порталу. Питання - відповіді</a>\n--><!--\n<a href=\"/node/5840\" title=\"\">Сертифікати Методичного порталу. Питання - відповіді</a>\n--><!--\n<a href=\"/node/5023\" title=\"\">Як роздрукувати електронну версію сертифіката</a>\n--><!--\n<a href=\"/node/5023\" title=\"\">Як роздрукувати електронну версію сертифіката</a>\n-->', created = 1738476514, expire = 1738562914, headers = '', serialized = 0 WHERE cid = '2:0ced0ef91163b154994897597fd5f6ab' in /var/www/metodportal/data/www/metodportal.com/includes/cache.inc on line 112.
  • user warning: Table './u7066_mpcom/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed query: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache_filter WHERE cid = '2:84eb3e5574742c8fa4ae080a478ab36f' in /var/www/metodportal/data/www/metodportal.com/includes/cache.inc on line 27.
  • user warning: Table './u7066_mpcom/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed query: UPDATE cache_filter SET data = '<p><img src=\"/sites/default/files/imce/user3/text200_2.png\" width=\"160\" height=\"34\" alt=\"Контакти\" align=\"right\" /></p>\n<!--\n<img src=\"/sites/default/files/imce/user3/text200.png\" width=\"160\" height=\"34\" alt=\"Контакти\" align=\"right\" />\n--><!--\n<img src=\"/sites/default/files/imce/user3/text200.png\" width=\"160\" height=\"34\" alt=\"Контакти\" align=\"right\" />\n-->', created = 1738476514, expire = 1738562914, headers = '', serialized = 0 WHERE cid = '2:84eb3e5574742c8fa4ae080a478ab36f' in /var/www/metodportal/data/www/metodportal.com/includes/cache.inc on line 112.
  • user warning: Table './u7066_mpcom/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed query: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache_filter WHERE cid = '4:04fbaf38808e37531e5f41cb1149e028' in /var/www/metodportal/data/www/metodportal.com/includes/cache.inc on line 27.
  • user warning: Table './u7066_mpcom/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed query: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache_filter WHERE cid = '1:3d838474a2bc6baf08bfee67e2aa320c' in /var/www/metodportal/data/www/metodportal.com/includes/cache.inc on line 27.
  • user warning: Table './u7066_mpcom/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed query: UPDATE cache_filter SET data = '<h2><a href=\"/user/register\">Зареєструйтесь</a>,<br />\n щоб мати можливість переглядати всі сторінки та файли,<br />\nпублікувати власні матеріали, отримувати <a href=\"/node/4697\">сертифікати</a>.</h2>\n', created = 1738476514, expire = 1738562914, headers = '', serialized = 0 WHERE cid = '1:3d838474a2bc6baf08bfee67e2aa320c' in /var/www/metodportal/data/www/metodportal.com/includes/cache.inc on line 112.
  • user warning: Table './u7066_mpcom/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed query: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache_filter WHERE cid = '4:bd26d5c1b123463aee5dc0a31e4af1d5' in /var/www/metodportal/data/www/metodportal.com/includes/cache.inc on line 27.
  • user warning: Table './u7066_mpcom/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed query: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache_filter WHERE cid = '4:e8645e480b910356631c73ddec803187' in /var/www/metodportal/data/www/metodportal.com/includes/cache.inc on line 27.

щоб мати можливість переглядати всі сторінки та файли,
публікувати власні матеріали, отримувати сертифікати.


Topic: “ Shop till you drop”

- to revise and enrich students’ vocabulary on the topic;
- to improve students’ listening, reading, speaking skills;
- to practice the active vocabulary of the topic;
- to practice with grammar material.

Equpment: textbooks, presentation, text soundtrack for listening, computer, multimedia screen, copybooks.

І. Inroduction
T: Good morning, pupils. I’m glad to see you. How are you?
Ps: We are fine.

ІІ. Warming - up
T: Who is on duty today?
P: I’m am on duty today.
T: Who is absent?
P: … is (are) absent.
T: What day is it today?
P: Today is Monday.
T: What date is it today?
P: Today is the twenty fourth of November.(1.1 слайд)
T: Do you like to go shopping?

ІІІ. Motivation

T: Shops take the largest part of our daily life. We cannot imagine our life without shops, stores or markets. That is why we are continue to talk about shops. Also you know that without grammar you won’t understand any English programs, songs, films or some information. Today we’ll also study new words about comparisons.

ІV. Notification of lesson’s topic and aim (1.2 слайд)
Who ever said money
can’t buy happiness simply
didn’t know where to go shopping.
Bo Derek
T: So today we’ll discuss the theme “Shop till you drop”. ( 1 слайд)
Your aim is to get new information about shops , to learn new words and expressions, to discuss the problem at the lesson, to express your own opinion, to read and listen to the text, to practice grammar material “ Comparisons ”.

V. Updating students’ knowledge and skills. Control homework
T: - What do you know about shopping?
- What kinds of shops do you know ?
- What do you like to buy there?
- What is your favourite shop or department store in our town?
T: Your home task was to study new words to the topic. Open your exercise–books and write down today’s day and date. Look at the screen of your computers and choose the words from the list to label the pictures.(2 слайд)
P1–P2–P3–P4 …
Interactive exercise «Brain storm».
T: Ok. Well done. As you can see there are a lot of shops. Next task is to match shops with the things which you can buy there.(3 слайд)
T: Let’s check….(4 слайд)
VІ. Listening
T: And now you will listen the text about Paris and the shops in it. You need to read the statements at your screens and mark them as true “T” or false “F”. Please, be attentive.(5 слайд)
1. The shopper’s paradise is Paris. T
2. Antique lovers can not find fantastic furniture in the small antique shops. F
3. There are a lot of bookstalls lining the banks of the River Thames. F
4. The largest department store in Paris is on Boulevard Lafayette. F
5. The Marais is a group of little streets with some of the trendiest boutiques. T
6. Shops in Paris are usually open from eight till seven. T
7. Shops are open from Monday till Friday. F
8. The big sale come after Christmas. T
9. There is always something to suit everyone’s pocket and taste. T
T: OK. Let’s check….(6 слайд)
1) Pre-reading activity. (7 слайд)
a) T: But first, look at the board. Listen and repeat after me these words.
b) T: Now read the text in chain.

2) Reading
T: Now open, please, your books at page 19 ex.6. You can see the text which you have already listened. But be attentive, because after reading you’ll have the task. Let’s start reading, ……. ……next.
3) Checking the understanding of the content.
T:You have 4 headings and 4 paragraphs. It’s very easy task. You’ll have a minute. Are you ready?(8 слайд)
4) Lexical work.
T:Ok. Write down, please, ex.7, p.19. Denis read the task. You need completed phrases. Write , please, the whole phrases into your copybooks.

T:Well, let’s check…(9 слайд)

VII. Work with grammar material. Comparison.
T: - What do you know about Comparisons?
- Which form do you know?
- How to make comparative form?
- How to make superlative form?(10 слайд)
T: Well. One –syllable adjectives add – (e)r to form their comparative form.
One –syllable adjectives add – (e)st to form their superlative form. Two –syllable adjectives ending in –ly,-y, -w add – (e)r to form their comparative form and – (e)st to form their superlative form, but they drop – y and take –ier/-iest .
Adjectives of two or more syllables take more to form their comparative form and most to form their superlative form.
T: - Do you know irregular adjectives? There are also some irregular adjectives.
(11 слайд)
T: Write down, please, these adjectives and their forms into your copybooks.

VIII. Backing of learned material
T:Look at your screens. You need to complete the table and fill the missing comparative or superlative forms. (12 слайд)
Adjective Comparative Superlative
big the biggest
short shotter
beautiful more beautiful
good the best
bad worse
large the largest
long longer

T: Let’s check …(13 cлайд)
T: And now find the words and write them down. (14 слайд)

words: chemist’s, boutique, lace, perfume, cap, nylon, bookstall, bakery, bread, sugar, stall.
T: What type of clothes do like wearing? Do you follow fashion? Do the test and you’ ll find out.(15, 16 слайди)
A Passion for Fashion
1. You are having lunch in town with your friends now.
What are you wearing?
A jeans and a T-shirt
B a business suit
C a new designer outfit and sunglasses

2. Your best friend is having a party next Saturday.
How long does it take you to get ready?
A forty minutes
B ten minutes
C all day

3. It is raining now and it’s quite cold. what are you wearing?.
A a raincoat and gloves
B a warm coat, waterproof boots and woolen cap
C a fur coat

4. Your friends are taking you camping next Saturday.
What do you pack?
A trainers, shorts and a waterproof coat
B your laptop and your diary
C you never go camping because your clothes might get dirty
………………………………………………………………………………………T : Ok. Now count which letters do you more As, Bs or Cs. Let’s see the results.
Who has mostly As. (17 слайд)

Mostly As: You are calm and practical and
you have a healthy attitude to fashion. Well

T :Who has mostly Bs ? (18 слайд)…
Mostly Bs: You are old-fashioned. Lt’s time
to buy something new. You are hard-working,
but stop thinking about work all the time and
work on your image a little.

T :Who has mostly Cs ? (19 слайд)…

Mostly Cs: You are a dedicated follower of
fashion, but it’s time to think less about what
you look like and enjoy yourself a bit more.

IX. Summing up
1. Analysis of students work during lesson (20 слайд)
T: What topic were we discussing today?
What new words you have learned ?Can you remember?
What types of activity did we do?
Was it difficult for you?
2. Marks
T: Your marks are ….
XІ. Home task
T: (21 слайд) Your home task is to retell the topic “Shopping in Paris” or to make your own presentations about shops and to learn irregular adjectives.(22 слайд)


Пелипенко Марина Леонідівна
завідувач відділення, викладач англійської мови
ДВНЗ «Білоцерківський механіко-енергетичний технікум»


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