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2025-02-18 10:18

"The Environment Is In Danger"

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Тема уроку: «Environment Is In Danger!»(Розробка уроку для 9 класу)
Мета уроку:
Освітня: 1. Активізація ЛО з теми у мовленні учнів; 2. Практика учнів в обговоренні проблемних питань з використанням вивченої лексики;
1. Розвиток пізнавальних інтересів учнів через нестандартні форми подачі матеріалу;
2. Удосконалення навичок діалогічного та монологічного мовлення;
3. Розвиток навичок аудіювання;
4. Розвиток уваги, образного мислення та здатності до спілкування.
- Розуміння складності екологічних проблем та виховання бережливого відношення до природи, почуття відповідальності за місце, де ти живеш.
Тип уроку: комбінований
Обладнання: мультимедійний проектор, ноутбук, екран, плакат
І Вступна частина
1. Привітання. Організаційний момент.
T.: Good morning! I’m glad to see you.
2. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу. Рольова гра з метою подальшого повідомлення теми і мети уроку.

T.: Now I want you to role play. The imaginary problem is following. The drivers of our town decided to build a garage very near our favourite park. They cannot find a better place than our park. The angry citizens have come to a meeting with the Mayor of the city. Let us hold such meeting.(Учні розігрують подану ситуацію).

3. Повідомлення теми ,мети уроку.
T.: Dear boys and girls, we are going to speak about Nature, ecological problems, how to save our planet. I think our life is very important. We live on the planet and there are a lot of people who think about the future of the planet. Some people take care of animals, others take care of birds, others are in charge of the forests. And we must be worried about nature too.
(Завдання проектується на екран за допомогою мультимедійного проектора).
Слайд №2
T.: Your tasks at the lesson are:
- to listen attentively and try to understand everything;
- to speak English as much as possible;
- not to be afraid to make mistakes;
- to express your opinion and to defend it;
- to show your knowledge of the vocabulary on the topic.

ІІ Основна частина
1. Активізація ЛО за темою у мовленні учнів.
А) Match the English and Russian sentences.
(Завдання проектується на екран за допомогою мультимедійного проектора).
Слайд № 3
Keep your country tidy!
Keep off the grass.
Put your litter in the bin!
Keep dogs under control.
Respect the life and work of the countryside.
Бережи природу!
Не смітити!
Переробляйте відходи!
Поважайте життя природи!
По газонах не ходити!
Вигул собак заборонено!
T.: Let’s check up our answers. Слайд №4
B) Choose the best way to define the terms
(Завдання проектується на екран за допомогою мультимедійного проектора).
Pollution: 1) Dirty water, air and atmosphere;
2) Making water, air, atmosphere dirty and dangerous for people and animals to live in;
3) People who make water, air and atmosphere dirty and dangerous.
Environment: 1) Air, water and land, in which people, animals and plants live;
2) An organization that wants to protect the natural world;
3) Something that we do to prevent air and water pollution.
Ecology: 1) Natural balance between plants, animals, people and their environment;
2) Plants growing in some area;
3) Part of medicine that helps people to lead a healthy life.
Greenhouse effect: 1) A building in a garden or park which has glass walls and a glass roof in which you grow plants;
2) A salad made mainly with green vegetables;
3) The problem of temperature rise in the Earth’s atmosphere.

C) Find English equivalents to the Ukrainian sentences, which I’d like to say to you!
1. Фабрики забруднюють повітря брудом. Ми забруднюємо атмосферу.
2. Гази з аерозолей та холодильників можуть знищити озоновий шар. Ми можемо знайти альтернативу цим газам.
3. Мы витрачаємо забагато енергіі та спалюємо багато газу, вугілля та нафти. Це є причиною глобального потепління.
4. Наша питна вода містить багато химікатів. Моря засмічені, тому що ми продовжуємо скидати в них хімікати та сміття.
5. Папір виготовляють з дерева. Використовуючи багато папіру, ми вбиваємо багато дерев. Триста тисяч квадратних кілометрів лісів зникають кожний рік.
6. Тварини в небезпеці. Забруднюючи атмосферу, ми завдаємо шкоди живій природі. Багато тварин зникають.
Відповіді: Air pollution, Recycle, Greenhouse effect, Water pollution, Deforestation, The ozone layer, Endangered animals
2. Обговорення проблем навколишнього середовища. Розвиток навичок монологічного мовлення
Look at the plan of the discussion:
Слайд №6
1.Air pollution
2.Greenhouse effect
3.Water pollution
4. Deforestation
5. The ozone layer
6 .Endangered animals
T.: What does air pollution cause?
P.: Air pollution is a very serious problem. Factories emit tons of harmful chemicals. These emissions have disastrous consequences for our planet. They are the main reason for the green house effect and acid rains. Air pollution causes acid rains, a damage of the ozone layer, a greenhouse effect, changes in the climate, melting of the glaciers, different diseases.
T.: How does greenhouse effect work?
P.: Gases in the atmosphere work like a glass in the greenhouse. They let the heat from the sun get in, but don’t let much heat get out. So the atmosphere is becoming warmer. The climate is becoming warmer too.
T.; How people pollute water? ( the seacoast, the banks of the rivers)
P.: Water is very important for life on the Earth. It is in oceans, seas, rivers and lakes. There is much water on our planet and at the same time there is little water on it. It is so because very little water on the Earth is good for drinking. In many rivers and lakes water is very dirty. Sometimes people cannot swim even in the sea because the sea and the seaside are not clean. In many places water is not drinkable. It is dangerous to use it when you cook. Even fish die in such water. When people drop litter such as plastic and cans, food wrappers and cigarette butts, they can be washed by the rain into the rivers and other waterways. Floating plastic is ugly and harmful to the environment. Plastic rubbish is not biodegradable. It can choke animals which try to eat it and drown those which get tangled in it.
T.: What are the problems with deforestation on our Earth?
P.: The world had over nine million square km. of forests. This is a lot of trees, and also a lot of different species of trees. But they are disappearing fast. People cut the trees down because they need wood and paper or new places for farms and houses. Forests the size of Belgium are destroyed every year. It’s an international disaster. Even if new trees are planted, it takes many years for them to grow.
T.: What are the problems with the ozone layer?
P.: Our atmosphere is covered with the ozone layer as a blanket. It protects from the dangerous rays of the sun – the so called ultra-violet radiation. Now there are holes in the ozone layer, one over the South Pole, the second over the North Pole. It is dangerous for people to stay in the direct sunlight. It can cause a cancer of skin.
T.: Add some words and facts about endangered animals.
P.: Many animals and birds are disappearing nowadays. Many of them are in danger.
A lot more endangered species – fish, reptiles, insects, birds, mammals – may disappear too. The reason is Man that kills animals and destroys their habitats. Indian tigers are among the endangered animals. Tigers are the biggest cats in the world. They are skillful hunters. Often they are dangerous. Some people are afraid of tigers and kill them to save their livestock and their lives. But some people have hunted tigers for fun and for their beautiful skin. They sell the skin and get a lot of money. Today many elephants in Africa are dying because they do not have enough to eat or to drink and because they do not have enough space to live in. Hunters kill thousands of elephants every year. Some kill them for meat. But most kill elephants for their tasks. Blue whales are in danger too.
3. Розвиток навичок аудіювання. Аудіювання пісні «Mother Nature Need Us»
A) Listening the song
Слайд №7
Mother Nature Need Us
If just one person shines
Other will follow in line
As we board the greenhouse train
We’ll say good-bye to acid rain
As we fight global warming
We’ll stand united as one
All around the world
A new day has begun

We’re so afraid of pollution
But we can find a brighter day
Let’s work on the solutions
So our children can play

In pure clean water
And blue skies above
It’s not a fantasy
We’ll make it our reality

We’ve got to all come together
And start planting the seeds
Mother Nature Need us
We were blind but now we see
B) Insert the words from the song
Слайд №8
Mother Nature Need Us

If just one _______________________shines
Other will follow in line
As we board the _________________________
We’ll say good-bye to_____________________
As we fight _____________________________
We’ll stand united as one
All ____________________________
_________________________has begun

We’re so ______________________________
But we can find a _______________________
Let’s work on the ________________
So our children can play

In pure ______________________
And _________________________above
It’s not a fantasy
We’ll make it _________________________

We’ve got to all ________________________
And start _____________________________
Mother ______________________________
We were blind but now we see

4.Обговорення екологічних проблем у місті,де ми живемо. Слайд№9
T: Let’s pass to the problems closer to us. Problems devoted to the ecology of our town Nikopol. Our settlement is situated in a beautiful place. It is surrounded by Kakhovske reservoir. People like to spend their free time fishing, having picnics and lighting barbecues. You’ll see some pictures of well-known places. (Перегляд слайдів про м. Нікополь з музичним супроводом).

T: Do you like our native town? Why?

T: But there are some ecological problems in our area. What are they? What can you say about it?

P: We throw away too much and in the wrong place. We leave litter near the Kakhovske reservoir. The water is polluted and the fish in the river die. Our Kakhovske reservoiris polluted too.
P: The water is not clean there. As for our town there isn’t clean water to swim. I am worried about it.
P: A lot of cars have appeared in our town recently. The air becomes dirty in the streets.
P: Every spring I see a lot of rubbish in streets of our town. We, school children, try to do our best to clean the streets. Every class organizes a clean-up day once a month.
P: There are 2 big plants in our town: Ferroalloy Plant and big Pipe Plant. It pollutes our air very much. So we can’t breath in the fresh air.
P.: We also have nuclear Power Plant not far from our town. It is called Energodar nuclear plant. It polletes our air and atmosphere very much and affects on health of the people who live in this district.

T: So we see, there are a lot of ecological problems in our area. Of course, we can’t solve all of them ourselves, but we can do our share to keep the Earth clean. And what do you personally do to keep the Earth clean?

P1: I don’t throw litter in public places.

P2: I plant a tree every year in the garden.

P3: I never break glass bottles.

P4: I don’t cut wild flowers.

P5: I take part in a clean-up day once a month.

P6: I plant flowers in the garden.

P7: I save water.

T: I see you understand the ecological problems of our area.

ІІІ Заключна частина
1.Підсумок уроку
(Перегляд слайдів з музичним супроводом). Слайд№10
Code of Ecological Rules.
Don’t break trees.
Don’t leave litter.
Keep the country tidy.
Respect the life and work of the countryside.
Keep dogs under control.
Put litter away.
Grow trees and flowers.
Don’t frighten birds and animals.
Don’t cut wild flowers.
Don’t burn fires.
T. Our lesson is coming to the end. In conclusion I’d like to tell you that the protection of nature is everybody’s business.
- An outstanding English writer John Galsworthy said: «If you don’t think about the future you will not have it.» Let’s think about the future. Let’s keep our planet tidy and make it better place to live in. Let’s save the Earth for ourselves and for the next generation
2.Оцінювання учнів
3Домашне завдання
T.: Your hometask is to make a report about ecological problems in our Nikopol and tell us how we can solve these problems.


Терещук Марина Анатоліївна вчитель англійської мови КЗ"НСЗШ№23" м. Нікополь Дніпропетровська обл.


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