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Основним напрямком оновлення сучасної української школи є компетентнісний підхід до навчання. Він передбачає оволодіння учнями певними компетенціями, а вчителів спонукає до застосування інноваційних методик та видів навчання. Одним з таких видів, що сприяють розвитку всіх компетенцій учня, є квест-уроки. Їх проведення активізує розумову діяльність учнів, формує почуття ініціативності та комунікативності, сприяє підвищенню самооцінки, розширює соціокультурну складову знань, дозволяє поєднати цифрові та дидактичні засоби навчання, сприяє зацікавленості предметом. Таким чином, використання квест-уроку як освітньої технології вдосконалює процес навчання та підвищує його ефективність та якість.
Тема: «Навколо англійської за 45 хвилин»
Рівень: А2
практична: активізувати лексичний матеріал за темами «Подорожування», «Професії», «Покупки», «Зовнішність», граматичний матеріал за темою прийменники; пригадати телефони чергових служб з надзвичайних ситуацій;
освітня: розширити знання учнів про туристичні цікавинки світу та поліцію у Великій Британії;
розвивальна: розвивати розумові та комунікативні здібності, увагу, вміння раціонально використовувати час та застосовувати на практиці здобуті знання;
виховна: виховувати культуру спілкування та повагу до товаришів по команді, сприяти підвищенню самооцінки.
Обладнання: картки, маршрутні карти, цифрові або паперові ілюстрації, мультимедійний проектор та комп’ютер (за умови використання цифрових ілюстрацій), сувенірні предмети або їх зображення, назви кабінетів-локацій, скринька з «секретним повідомленням» та «монетами»-цукерками (за бажанням).
Місце проведення: три класні кімнати. Під час уроку учні переходять з однієї класної кімнати до іншої. Альтернатива: одна класна кімната, де учні виконують всі види завдань по черзі.
Учасники: квест розрахований на клас, поділений на три команди, з якими почергово працюють три вчителі англійської мови. В залежності від кількості учнів у класі квест можна адаптувати для однієї чи двох команд.
Рекомендації: Необхідно дотримуватися часових рамок на кожному етапі квесту. З метою реалізації принципів педагогіки партнерства до квесту можна залучити помічників з числа батьків або учнів старших класів.
Lesson plan
The procedure is identical for Teacher 1, Teacher 2 and Teacher 3.
Time limit 10 minutes.
Teacher: Welcome to the lesson! First, let me ask you a question. Do you like quests?
Students: Yes, very much!
Teacher: Do you prefer doing quests alone or with your friends?
Students: With friends!
Teacher: In such case let’s have a quest today, and you will be one team. Do you agree?
Students: Sure!
Teacher: Great! Let’s begin! Your task is to find a “treasure” with a “secret message”. The “treasure” is hidden somewhere in the school, so you need a map that will show you the way. The map is in this classroom. You will easily find it with my clues.
(Teacher gives students a card with Clue № 1):

Clue № 1: Find Clue №2 under the flower pot on the windowsill.

(Students read Clue № 1 and find Clue №2):

Clue № 2: Find Clue №3 behind the poster opposite the door.

(Students read Clue № 2 and find Clue №3):

Clue № 3: The Map is between two books on the teacher’s table.

(Students read Clue № 3 and find the map):
Route map for Team 1
1. Tourist office (on the second floor near the library) ---------------2. Police office (on the first floor next to the gym) ------------------ 3. Helping point (on the ground floor near the canteen)

Route map for Team 2
1. Police office (on the first floor next to the gym) ------------------- 2. Helping point (on the ground floor near the canteen) -------------------- 3. Tourist office (on the second floor near the library)

Route map for Team 3
1. Helping point (on the ground floor near the canteen) ---------------------- 2. Tourist office (on the second floor near the library) --------------- 3. Police office (on the first floor next to the gym)
Teacher: Well done! Follow the map and fulfil the tasks. You will score points for each completed task. As soon as you fulfil all the tasks required, you will find your “treasure”. Now, read your map and go. Good luck!
(Students read the map and leave the classroom. As soon as students leave, teacher sticks the notice with the location name on the door outside the classroom):
Teacher 1 sticks the notice for the classroom of Team 1: Helping point
Teacher 2 sticks the notice for the classroom of Team 2: Tourist office
Teacher 3 sticks the notice for the classroom of Team 3: Police office
The main part
The procedure is different for Teacher 1, Teacher 2 and Teacher 3.
Time limit 30 minutes (10 minutes for each of 3 teams).
Procedure for Teacher 1
Teacher 1 in the location “Helping point” meets Team 3.
Teacher 1: Nice to see you at the “Helping point”. First, let me ask you something. Have you ever helped anyone?
Student 1: Yes, I’ve helped my mum about the house.
Student 2: I’ve helped my friend with Maths homework.
Teacher 1: How did you feel afterwards?
Students: Happy! / Nice! /Confident!
Teacher 1: You are right! Helping other people always makes you happy. Now you have the chance to help. First, a teacher of English had prepared three sets of words, but then, accidentally, mixed the cards. She asks you to group the words according to their topics. Now, each of you, take one card, read the word, think of its topic and go around to find other people who have the words of the same topic. Then make a circle with your friends, agree on the name of your topic and say it loudly together.
(Teacher places mixed cards on the desk).
Sets of cards (to be cut)
1. Compass torch sleeping bag stove

2. Cycling golf rafting ice-hockey

3. Firefighter barber mechanic designer
(Students draw cards, find classmates with the words of the same topic, make three circles, therefore making three groups, and proclaim the names of their topics).
Group 1: Camping!
Group 2: Sport!
Group 3: Jobs!
Teacher1: Well done! The teacher will be very grateful! You have scored six points (three for making groups and three for naming topics). Now the next task. We have three small groups now, so work in groups. Listen, three ladies need your help. One lady is a busy mum with a baby. The second one is an elderly lady living next door to you. The third lady is a businesswoman hurrying to the airport. They ask you to go shopping for them. Can you help?
Students: Yes!
Teacher 1: Fine. Then take the shopping bags and shopping lists. (Teacher gives a shopping bag and a shopping list for each group).
Shopping list for group 1
a soft scarf / a magazine about gardening / an apple pie / spectacle case

Shopping list for group 2
a magazine about Apple software / sunglasses / a detective story / a soft drink

Shopping list for group 3
goggles / a green apple / a soft toy / nursery rhymes
Teacher 1: The “shop” is over there. (Teacher points to the desks where items (pictures of items / notes with the items’ names) are displayed). Read your shopping list and guess who you are shopping for, then go and “shop”. Afterwards, bring me your shopping bags. Don’t run or make crowds, it’s not a Black Friday!
(Students in groups read a shopping list, agree on the person they shop for and go to the “shop”. There they find the items required, put them in the shopping bags and bring the bags with the shopping lists to Teacher 1. The Teacher checks if the task is completed correctly).
Teacher 1: Now tell me who you have “shopped” for and why you decided so.
Students of group 1: We’ve shopped for the elderly lady, because she likes gardening and apple pies, likes knitting and has lost her spectacle case.
Students of group 2: We’ve shopped for the businesswoman, because we think she wants to fly on holiday, so she needs sunglasses and a detective story to read on the flight. Besides, she wants to choose new software for her computer.
Students of group 3: We’ve shopped for the mum with a baby, because babies eat green apples, play with soft toys and can swim. Mum can read nursery rhymes for her baby.
Teacher 1: You’ve done a great job! Thank you for your help. You have scored six more points, (one for every shopping bag and one for its explanation), so twelve points altogether at this location. Let me mark it on your map.
(Teacher 1 takes the map of Team 3 and writes the number of points scored next to the location’s name (“Helping point”).
Teacher 1: It was a real pleasure to see you. Now you can move on. Good luck!
Students: Thank you! Good bye!
(Students leave the classroom and look for the next location. Teacher 1 repeats the procedure with two other teams.)

Main part for Teacher 2
Before Team 1 arrives, Teacher 2 places “souvenirs” (real items or their illustrations), somewhere in the classroom, for example, on bookshelves, under desks, on teacher’s table, etc. (It’s better to think about hiding places in advance).
Teacher 2 in the location “Tourist office” meets Team 1: Nice to see you at the “Tourist office”! First, let me ask you something. Do you like travelling?
Students: Yes, a lot!
Teacher 2: In that case, I think, you know a lot of interesting places in the world and will easily do the first task. Stand in line, please, and be ready to listen.
(Students make a line).
Teacher 2: Your task is to guess some tourist attractions. In turns, name the attraction you see. If you are not sure, you can ask your team to help you. You will score an additional point if you name not only the attraction, but also the country of its origin. Let’s begin!
(Teacher 2 demonstrates attractions in a digital or paper form (as slides of PowerPoint presentation on the screen of an interactive board or as drawings or photos).
Tourist attractions
1. Kyiv Pechersk Lavra (Kyiv, Ukraine)
2. Sidney Opera House (Sidney, Australia)
3. The Globe Theatre (London, the UK)
4. The Hermitage Museum (St Petersburg, Russia)
5. Coliseum (Rome, Italy)
6. The Great Wall of China (China)
7. Machu Picchu (Machu Picchu, Peru)
8. Golden Gate Bridge (San Francisco, the USA)
9. Taj Mahal (Agra, India)
10. Neuschwanstein Castle (Germany)
11. The Blue Mosque (Istanbul, Turkey)
12. The Great Sphinx (Giza, Egypt)
(Students name the attractions. Teacher 2 listens and counts the points. If students are stuck and don’t know the name, city or country of the attraction, Teacher 2 helps them.)
Teacher 2: Good job! You have scored 24 points. Now you will travel to different countries. Bring me souvenirs from all over the world! Take a “ticket” and find a companion for your trip – a student with a “ticket” to the same country.
(Students draw “tickets”, read the names of the countries and make pairs with the people who have the same “ticket”).
“Tickets” (two identical sets)





Teacher 2: You are ready to start! In pairs, go about the classroom and look for a souvenir from the country of your destination. As soon as you find the souvenir, bring it to me, please.
(Students find 6 souvenirs (magnets, statuettes, cups, postcards, etc. - and bring them to Teacher 2. The Teacher checks, if the souvenir corresponds to the name of the country.)
Teacher 2: Excellent! Tourist office looks so nice with all these souvenirs. Thank you! You have scored 6 points for this task. 30 points altogether go to your team at this location.
(Teacher 2 takes the map of Team 1 and writes the number of points scored next to the location’s name (“Tourist office”).
Students: Thank you! Good bye!
(Students leave the classroom and look for the next location. Teacher 2 repeats the procedure with two other teams).

Main part for Teacher 3
Teacher 3 in the location “Police office” meets Team 2
Teacher 3: Nice to see you at the “Police office”. Let me ask you something. What do you think, do we need the police, or can we do without them?
Students: We need the police, as they look after the order.
Teacher 3: Right! Let’s see what you know about the police in Britain. Do the police there carry guns?
Students: No, mostly not.
Teacher 3: You are right, even with all these terror attacks, it’s still very rare to see police with guns in England, Wales and Scotland. Actually, only one in 20 police officers in these countries carries a gun. But the police carry weapons in Northern Ireland. Listen to the next question: how do the British sometimes call police officers?
Students: “Bobbies”.
Teacher 3: Yes. The nickname dates back to pre-Victorian England, when the British
Home minister, Sir Robert Peel, created London’s first police force. “Bobby” was a popular nickname for Robert, and soon the policemen were identified with the politician who created them. Here goes the last question, what number do you have to dial in case of emergency in Britain?
Students: 999. This is the emergency number for police, ambulance, fire brigade and so on.
Student 2: You can also dial 112.
Teacher 3: You are right. Note the important word “Emergency”. Dial 999 or 112 when someone is seriously ill or injured, or a crime is in progress. The important thing about 112 is that it will work on a mobile phone anywhere in the world. There are some other useful numbers. Use 101 when you want to contact the police, but it’s not an emergency, for example, your phone has been stolen, or your property has been damaged. 111 is the non-emergency medical number. You have answered three questions and scored three points. You can score three more points if you name emergency numbers in Ukraine.
Students: 101 102, 103, 112.
Teacher 3: That’s right! And remember, these numbers are free and can be dialled even from a locked phone. Let’s move on! You are at the Police office and there is an important task for you here. Our local police want to find a dangerous criminal. They received a letter from Interpol with the description of his appearance. The letter is written in English and our policemen don’t understand it very well. They ask you to read the criminal’s profile and draw a photofit (photorobot). Will you do it?
Students: Yes, sure!
Teacher 3: Look at the board. (Teacher 3 goes to the board and draws a big oval - “a face”). This is the criminal’s face. Here is his profile. (Teacher 3 gives “the Profile” to the students). One by one, read sentences, go to the board and draw the features.
A profile
1.The criminal has got short, straight hair.
2. He has got a long nose.
3. His eyes are small.
4. He is wearing a beard.
5. His cheeks are plump.
6. His ears are big.
7. He has a moustache.
8. He is wearing glasses.
9. His eyebrows are thin.
10. There is a scar on his right cheek.
11. There are wrinkles on his forehead.
12. He is wearing an earring in his left ear.

(Students take turns to read the sentence, go to the board and draw the facial feature).
Teacher 3: Thanks a lot! The police will find the criminal at once with this photofit. You have scored six points for answering questions and twelve points for the photofit, so eighteen points altogether at the “Police office”. Let me mark it on your map.
(Teacher 3 takes the map of Team 2 and writes the number of points scored next to the words “Police office”. Students leave the classroom and look for the next location. Teacher 3 repeats the procedure with two other teams.)

Final part
The procedure is identical for Teacher 1, Teacher 2 and Teacher 3.
Time limit 5 minutes.
Each Team arrives at its first location – the classroom where the quest began.
Teacher: This is the final location, so it is time to count your score. Let’s do it together.
(Teacher and students count the points written on the map).
Teacher 3: You have scored 60 points. It’s a great job! Now you can have the last Clue. It will help you to find your “treasure”.
(Teacher gives students a card with the Final Clue):
Final Clue: your “treasure” is under the last desk in the middle raw.
(Students read the Final Clue and find the “treasure” - a box with sweets (“coins”) and a folded sheet of paper (“a secret message”). Students take the paper and read it).
A secret message
A real treasure is your knowledge!
Have a treat!
P.S. You will have good marks for this lesson.
Teacher: Congratulations! The quest is over. Did you like it? What was the most interesting and the most useful part of the quest?
(Students express their views).
Teacher: The secret message promised you good marks, and I eagerly give them to you.
(Teacher announces the marks for the lesson and the home task).
Teacher: For the next lesson prepare and present information about a famous tourist attraction or about the police in Britain or in Ukraine. Thank you for the lesson!


Гончарова Людмила Іванівна
вчитель англійської мови
гімназії №315 м.Києва


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