Користувацький вхід

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  • user warning: Table './u7066_mpcom/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed query: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache_filter WHERE cid = '2:892ad46d50a255bc4bcb12275d6158ba' in /var/www/metodportal/data/www/metodportal.com/includes/cache.inc on line 27.
  • user warning: Table './u7066_mpcom/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed query: UPDATE cache_filter SET data = '<p>5th form<br />\nТема: Різноманітні хобі.<br />\nМета: Створити сприятливі умови для закріплення лексики теми<br />\n «Different Hobbies”.<br />\n Ознайомити учнів із захопленнями британських дітей.<br />\n Тренувати учнів у вживанні структур “to be interested in”,<br />\n “to be fond of, “to be keen on”.<br />\n Продовжувати удосконалювати техніку читання.<br />\n Розвивати навички аудіювання, діалогічне та монологічне мовлення;<br />\n вміння працювати у парі та в групі.<br />\n Розвивати мовну здогадку, увагу, пам\'ять.<br />\n Виховувати прагнення до пізнання нового.<br />\nОбладнання: малюнки різних видів занять, презентація Power Point,<br />\n роздаткові картки.<br />\nТип уроку: урок систематизації та закріплення знань.<br />\nProcedure<br />\nI. The beginning of the lesson.<br />\n1. Greeting.<br />\n- Good morning, dear children!<br />\n- How are you?<br />\nP: - Fine, thank you, dear teacher!<br />\n - These greetings are for you!<br />\n- Look, we have many guests today. Say “Good morning!” to our guests.</p>\n<p>P: Good morning, dear guests! We are glad to see you!<br />\n2. Warming up.<br />\n- Let’s start our lesson from the poem about good mood. (slide 1)<br />\n- Ask each other about the mood?<br />\n3. Phonetic Drill.<br />\n- Let’s practice some sounds.<br />\n- Look at this slide. Repeat after me. (slide 2) </p>\n<p>4. Topic Introduction.<br />\n- Look at these locks. Say what you can see and open the lock. You’ll know the topic of our lesson.<br />\na) hockey; b) origami; c) basketball; d) ballooning; e) yachting. (Pupils open the locks)<br />\n- Today we’ll talk about your hobbies. Also you’ll know about the hobbies of the British children.<br />\nII. The main body of the lesson.<br />\n1. Vocabulary Revision.<br />\n1). - Look and say what hobby is it? (pictures on the blackboard)<br />\n- Complete the list of the hobbies.<br />\n2). Read and match. (slide 3)<br />\n3). Pair Work. Game “Bingo!” (slide 4)<br />\n- Let’s play “Bingo!”. You have pictures and names of the hobbies on your desks. Match pictures with hobbies. When you finish, hands up and say “Bingo!”<br />\n2. Grammar Revision.<br />\n- When we talk about our hobbies we often use such structures:<br />\nto be interested in<br />\nto be fond of<br />\nto be keen on<br />\nGame “From the word to the sentence”. (slide 6)<br />\nExample 1. Butterflies<br />\n 2. Collecting butterflies<br />\n 3. I am fond of collecting butterflies.<br />\n3. Speaking. Pair Work. (slide 7)<br />\nComplete the dialogue and act.<br />\n4. Song. (slide 8)<br />\n- You know a nice song about hobbies. Let’s sing the song.<br />\n5. Mime game.<br />\n - Let’s play. Come to the blackboard and show the hobby without any words.<br />\n We must guess what hobby is it.<br />\n6. Reading.<br />\n 1). Group Work. (slide 9)<br />\n - For the next task we need two groups. I have balls and flowers. Take one of the figures and form the group of balls and the group of flowers.<br />\n- Take the card.<br />\n- You have to read and guess what hobby is described in the text.<br />\n- Read your texts.<br />\n2). Divide hobbies into groups. (slide 10)<br />\n- There are different kinds of hobbies. We collect something, for example, stamps. We do things, we make things, we learn things.<br />\n- Take the name of the hobby from this barrel and put it into the basket.<br />\nLearning<br />\nthings Doing<br />\nthings Making<br />\nthings Collecting<br />\nthings<br />\nreading;<br />\ngoing to the museum;<br />\ngoing to the cinema. gardening;<br />\ncycling;<br />\ntravelling;<br />\nplaying chess;<br />\nplaying computer games. drawing;<br />\npainting;<br />\ncooking.<br />\n coins;<br />\nstamps;<br />\nbooks;<br />\npostcards;<br />\ntoys;<br />\nCDs.</p>\n<p>7. Pupils’ presentations.<br />\n- At home you prepared the stories about your hobbies.<br />\n1.<br />\nMy hobby is collecting toy cars. My collection has different cars: big and small, red and green. It is one of my toys.<br />\n2.<br />\n My hobby is listening to music. I listen to music every day. I like to listen both Ukrainian and English songs. My favourite singer is Alyosha. I have many CDs.<br />\n3.<br />\nMy hobby is collecting stickers. I have got different stickers. My parents know about my hobby. They buy stickers for me. My friends help me to collect stickers too. This is my collection.<br />\n4.<br />\nMy hobby is collecting toy animals. I have got a big collecting of toy rabbits, toy dogs, toy cats. It is my favourite dog Reks.<br />\n5.<br />\nI like dancing. My dream is to study at the dancing school. I dance at home and in the school. I want to participate in the TV programme “Ukraine has talent”.<br />\n6.<br />\nMy hobby is playing chess. I am a member of the school chess club. I play chess with my father, my brother, my teacher.<br />\n8. Meeting with a British child.<br />\n- We spoke about your hobbies, Ukrainian children. What about English children? What do English like doing in their free time?<br />\nP: 1. I think they like gardening.<br />\n 2. English people like shopping.<br />\n 3. I think they like sport.<br />\n 4. To my mind English people like collecting things.<br />\n- I invited an English girl. She will tell you about her hobby.<br />\nHello, Ukrainian children! I am Vicky. I am an English schoolgirl. English children have different hobbies. My hobby is collecting stamps. Looking at them you can learn about countries, people. Have you ever seen stamps? Most stamps show the name of the country they come from. But British stamps never show the name “Britain”. They always show a picture of Queen Elizabeth.<br />\n Also I am a cricket fun.<br />\nCricket is a national sport in England.. Rules of the cricket were created in the 18th century and still the game is very popular among young people. Cricket is played on green lawns in the villages and in the cities, from April to August. So,cricket is my favourite sport.<br />\n- Ask questions to our British guest.<br />\n1. Do you have album with stamps?<br />\n2. Can you play cricket?<br />\n3. What are other national British sport?<br />\n9. Writing.<br />\n- Complete the sentences on the sheet of papers.<br />\n1. My friend’s name is …<br />\n2. He (She) is …<br />\n3. His (Her) hobby is …<br />\n4. My friend likes …<br />\n5. He (She) has …</p>\n<p>III. The end of the lesson.<br />\n1. Summarizing.<br />\n- We began our lesson with a good mood. I hope your good mood is still with you. You have happy smiley and sad smiley. Show me your mood with the help of the smiley.<br />\nGive a mark to each other. I think Katia is …<br />\n2. Homework.<br />\nWrite 3-5 sentences about your friend’s hobby. You did the similar work in class. Do it at home.</p>\n', created = 1738501649, expire = 1738588049, headers = '', serialized = 0 WHERE cid = '2:892ad46d50a255bc4bcb12275d6158ba' in /var/www/metodportal/data/www/metodportal.com/includes/cache.inc on line 112.
  • user warning: Table './u7066_mpcom/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed query: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache_filter WHERE cid = '1:401026b688bc13b6990b627496c69232' in /var/www/metodportal/data/www/metodportal.com/includes/cache.inc on line 27.
  • user warning: Table './u7066_mpcom/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed query: UPDATE cache_filter SET data = '<p>Лосінська Юлія Домініківна<br />\nвчитель англійської мови<br />\nГородськи НВК</p>\n', created = 1738501649, expire = 1738588049, headers = '', serialized = 0 WHERE cid = '1:401026b688bc13b6990b627496c69232' in /var/www/metodportal/data/www/metodportal.com/includes/cache.inc on line 112.
  • user warning: Table './u7066_mpcom/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed query: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache_filter WHERE cid = '2:0ced0ef91163b154994897597fd5f6ab' in /var/www/metodportal/data/www/metodportal.com/includes/cache.inc on line 27.
  • user warning: Table './u7066_mpcom/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed query: UPDATE cache_filter SET data = '<p><a href=\"/node/4697\" title=\"Отримати до атестації сертифікат на підтвердження публікації\">Сертифікати Методичного порталу. Умови, правила та порядок замовлення</a></p>\n<p><a href=\"/sertif/reestr-e\" title=\"Реєстр електронних сертифікатів Методичного порталу. Отримати сертифікат до атестації швидко і безкоштовно\">Реєстр електронних версій сертифікатів</a></p>\n<p><a href=\"/sertif/reestr-p\" title=\"Сертифікат на підтвердження публікації на Методичному порталі (до атестації вчителів) з печаткою та QR-кодом поліграфічної якості\">Реєстр заявок друкованої (платної) версії сертифіката. </a></p>\n<p><a href=\"/node/2277\" title=\"\">Замовлення сертифіката (докладна інструкція)</a></p>\n<!--\n<a href=\"/node/5840\" title=\"\">Сертифікати Методичного порталу. Питання - відповіді</a>\n--><!--\n<a href=\"/node/5840\" title=\"\">Сертифікати Методичного порталу. Питання - відповіді</a>\n--><!--\n<a href=\"/node/5023\" title=\"\">Як роздрукувати електронну версію сертифіката</a>\n--><!--\n<a href=\"/node/5023\" title=\"\">Як роздрукувати електронну версію сертифіката</a>\n-->', created = 1738501649, expire = 1738588049, headers = '', serialized = 0 WHERE cid = '2:0ced0ef91163b154994897597fd5f6ab' in /var/www/metodportal/data/www/metodportal.com/includes/cache.inc on line 112.
  • user warning: Table './u7066_mpcom/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed query: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache_filter WHERE cid = '2:84eb3e5574742c8fa4ae080a478ab36f' in /var/www/metodportal/data/www/metodportal.com/includes/cache.inc on line 27.
  • user warning: Table './u7066_mpcom/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed query: UPDATE cache_filter SET data = '<p><img src=\"/sites/default/files/imce/user3/text200_2.png\" width=\"160\" height=\"34\" alt=\"Контакти\" align=\"right\" /></p>\n<!--\n<img src=\"/sites/default/files/imce/user3/text200.png\" width=\"160\" height=\"34\" alt=\"Контакти\" align=\"right\" />\n--><!--\n<img src=\"/sites/default/files/imce/user3/text200.png\" width=\"160\" height=\"34\" alt=\"Контакти\" align=\"right\" />\n-->', created = 1738501649, expire = 1738588049, headers = '', serialized = 0 WHERE cid = '2:84eb3e5574742c8fa4ae080a478ab36f' in /var/www/metodportal/data/www/metodportal.com/includes/cache.inc on line 112.
  • user warning: Table './u7066_mpcom/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed query: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache_filter WHERE cid = '4:04fbaf38808e37531e5f41cb1149e028' in /var/www/metodportal/data/www/metodportal.com/includes/cache.inc on line 27.
  • user warning: Table './u7066_mpcom/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed query: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache_filter WHERE cid = '1:3d838474a2bc6baf08bfee67e2aa320c' in /var/www/metodportal/data/www/metodportal.com/includes/cache.inc on line 27.
  • user warning: Table './u7066_mpcom/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed query: UPDATE cache_filter SET data = '<h2><a href=\"/user/register\">Зареєструйтесь</a>,<br />\n щоб мати можливість переглядати всі сторінки та файли,<br />\nпублікувати власні матеріали, отримувати <a href=\"/node/4697\">сертифікати</a>.</h2>\n', created = 1738501650, expire = 1738588050, headers = '', serialized = 0 WHERE cid = '1:3d838474a2bc6baf08bfee67e2aa320c' in /var/www/metodportal/data/www/metodportal.com/includes/cache.inc on line 112.
  • user warning: Table './u7066_mpcom/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed query: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache_filter WHERE cid = '4:bd26d5c1b123463aee5dc0a31e4af1d5' in /var/www/metodportal/data/www/metodportal.com/includes/cache.inc on line 27.
  • user warning: Table './u7066_mpcom/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed query: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache_filter WHERE cid = '4:e8645e480b910356631c73ddec803187' in /var/www/metodportal/data/www/metodportal.com/includes/cache.inc on line 27.

щоб мати можливість переглядати всі сторінки та файли,
публікувати власні матеріали, отримувати сертифікати.


5th form
Тема: Різноманітні хобі.
Мета: Створити сприятливі умови для закріплення лексики теми
«Different Hobbies”.
Ознайомити учнів із захопленнями британських дітей.
Тренувати учнів у вживанні структур “to be interested in”,
“to be fond of, “to be keen on”.
Продовжувати удосконалювати техніку читання.
Розвивати навички аудіювання, діалогічне та монологічне мовлення;
вміння працювати у парі та в групі.
Розвивати мовну здогадку, увагу, пам'ять.
Виховувати прагнення до пізнання нового.
Обладнання: малюнки різних видів занять, презентація Power Point,
роздаткові картки.
Тип уроку: урок систематизації та закріплення знань.
I. The beginning of the lesson.
1. Greeting.
- Good morning, dear children!
- How are you?
P: - Fine, thank you, dear teacher!
- These greetings are for you!
- Look, we have many guests today. Say “Good morning!” to our guests.

P: Good morning, dear guests! We are glad to see you!
2. Warming up.
- Let’s start our lesson from the poem about good mood. (slide 1)
- Ask each other about the mood?
3. Phonetic Drill.
- Let’s practice some sounds.
- Look at this slide. Repeat after me. (slide 2)

4. Topic Introduction.
- Look at these locks. Say what you can see and open the lock. You’ll know the topic of our lesson.
a) hockey; b) origami; c) basketball; d) ballooning; e) yachting. (Pupils open the locks)
- Today we’ll talk about your hobbies. Also you’ll know about the hobbies of the British children.
II. The main body of the lesson.
1. Vocabulary Revision.
1). - Look and say what hobby is it? (pictures on the blackboard)
- Complete the list of the hobbies.
2). Read and match. (slide 3)
3). Pair Work. Game “Bingo!” (slide 4)
- Let’s play “Bingo!”. You have pictures and names of the hobbies on your desks. Match pictures with hobbies. When you finish, hands up and say “Bingo!”
2. Grammar Revision.
- When we talk about our hobbies we often use such structures:
to be interested in
to be fond of
to be keen on
Game “From the word to the sentence”. (slide 6)
Example 1. Butterflies
2. Collecting butterflies
3. I am fond of collecting butterflies.
3. Speaking. Pair Work. (slide 7)
Complete the dialogue and act.
4. Song. (slide 8)
- You know a nice song about hobbies. Let’s sing the song.
5. Mime game.
- Let’s play. Come to the blackboard and show the hobby without any words.
We must guess what hobby is it.
6. Reading.
1). Group Work. (slide 9)
- For the next task we need two groups. I have balls and flowers. Take one of the figures and form the group of balls and the group of flowers.
- Take the card.
- You have to read and guess what hobby is described in the text.
- Read your texts.
2). Divide hobbies into groups. (slide 10)
- There are different kinds of hobbies. We collect something, for example, stamps. We do things, we make things, we learn things.
- Take the name of the hobby from this barrel and put it into the basket.
things Doing
things Making
things Collecting
going to the museum;
going to the cinema. gardening;
playing chess;
playing computer games. drawing;

7. Pupils’ presentations.
- At home you prepared the stories about your hobbies.
My hobby is collecting toy cars. My collection has different cars: big and small, red and green. It is one of my toys.
My hobby is listening to music. I listen to music every day. I like to listen both Ukrainian and English songs. My favourite singer is Alyosha. I have many CDs.
My hobby is collecting stickers. I have got different stickers. My parents know about my hobby. They buy stickers for me. My friends help me to collect stickers too. This is my collection.
My hobby is collecting toy animals. I have got a big collecting of toy rabbits, toy dogs, toy cats. It is my favourite dog Reks.
I like dancing. My dream is to study at the dancing school. I dance at home and in the school. I want to participate in the TV programme “Ukraine has talent”.
My hobby is playing chess. I am a member of the school chess club. I play chess with my father, my brother, my teacher.
8. Meeting with a British child.
- We spoke about your hobbies, Ukrainian children. What about English children? What do English like doing in their free time?
P: 1. I think they like gardening.
2. English people like shopping.
3. I think they like sport.
4. To my mind English people like collecting things.
- I invited an English girl. She will tell you about her hobby.
Hello, Ukrainian children! I am Vicky. I am an English schoolgirl. English children have different hobbies. My hobby is collecting stamps. Looking at them you can learn about countries, people. Have you ever seen stamps? Most stamps show the name of the country they come from. But British stamps never show the name “Britain”. They always show a picture of Queen Elizabeth.
Also I am a cricket fun.
Cricket is a national sport in England.. Rules of the cricket were created in the 18th century and still the game is very popular among young people. Cricket is played on green lawns in the villages and in the cities, from April to August. So,cricket is my favourite sport.
- Ask questions to our British guest.
1. Do you have album with stamps?
2. Can you play cricket?
3. What are other national British sport?
9. Writing.
- Complete the sentences on the sheet of papers.
1. My friend’s name is …
2. He (She) is …
3. His (Her) hobby is …
4. My friend likes …
5. He (She) has …

III. The end of the lesson.
1. Summarizing.
- We began our lesson with a good mood. I hope your good mood is still with you. You have happy smiley and sad smiley. Show me your mood with the help of the smiley.
Give a mark to each other. I think Katia is …
2. Homework.
Write 3-5 sentences about your friend’s hobby. You did the similar work in class. Do it at home.


Лосінська Юлія Домініківна
вчитель англійської мови
Городськи НВК


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