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Відкритий урок у 2 класі з теми:"Seasons"

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Seasons (2 FORM)
Objectives: to revise the names of the seasons; to revise grammar material(using the Preset Indefinite Tense); to practise sounds [w], [t], [h] ; to develop pupils’ skills in reading and listening; to develop pupils memory and attention.
Materials: Англiйська мова. Пiдручник для 2 класу загальноосвiтнiх навчальних закладів А.Несвіт, Генеза, 2012, picture cards (“The Seasons” and “The Weather”) cards with the sounds, flash cards.
Т: - Good morning, dear children. You are so nice today! I’m glad to see you!
Ps: - Good morning,Good morning, good morning to you,
Good morning, good morning,
We are glad to see you!
Т: - Children, are you ready for the lesson
Ps: Yes, we are.
T: Let’s begin our lesson. Т: - Children, today we have a topic about "Seasons"
Phonetic drills
Т: - Now, children, we have a phonetic practice:
Look at the blackboard and tell me, please "What are the sounds?"
[ g ] - game, ground, green; [w] - wet, winter, warm; [s] -season, spring, summer.(Учнi повторюють за вчителем, потiм 2-3 учнi самостiйно)
Speaking practice
T: - And now listen to a little poem about seasons after repeat it please:
Spring is green,
Summer is bright,
Autumn is yellow,
Winter is white. (1-2 учнi спробують вiдтворити вiрш самостiйно).
Check on homework
Т: -Now, I will check your home task.
Т: -Але спочатку, давайте пригадаємо як утворюється Presest Indefinite Tense (Теперішній неозначений час)
Т: Пам 'ятаємо, що у теперішноьму часі до дієслів, які вживаються із займенниками 3-oї особи: -He, -She, -It, в кінці додається закінчення –s або –es. ( При поясненні вчитель спирається на граматичну таблицю)
T: - Now children read the text "Little Dog Snip»(текст на картках)
and translate іt, please.
"Little Dog Snip»
Snip is a little dog. Snip lives in a little dog-house. One day Snip says,”I want to run, I want to play”. And he runs out of his house He runs in the street and sees two little kittens. “Bow-wow”, he says. The little kittens run from him. “Bow-wow”, he says. “This is good. I am big and the little kittens run from me”.
Snip runs and runs. He meets five little chicks. “Bow-wow”, he says. The little chicks run from him. “Bow-wow”, he says. “This is good. I am big and the little chicks run from me”. And Snip runs and runs. He meets Mother Hen. She runs after Snip. “Bow-wow”, he says. ”This is not good. Mother Hen doesn’t run from me”.
T: -Take a card and write down the exercise. (Група учнiв виконує завдання до тексту на картках)
T: -Cкладіть речення за таблицею по тексту:
I meets after Snip
Kittens runs five little chicks
Chicks sees two little kittens
Mother Hen lives from him
Snip run from me
T: -Go to the blackboard and write down the exercise.(Один учень працює біля дошки. Учитель з iншою групою дітей контролюють правильнiсть виконання завдань)
Physical warming up
T: - Children you are so tired. And now, please relax:
Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet
Stamp your feet together,
Sing, sing, sing your song,
Sing your song together.
Wink, wink, wink your eyes,
Wink your eyes together.
Dance, dance, dance about,
Dance about together.
(Дiти пiд музику повторюють рухи та фрази).
Listening Comprehension Т: -Listen to the text: "What month is it?" and after answer the question what months are these? (Учнi уважно слухають аудiозапис тексту, вiдгадують назви мiсяцiв).
"What month is it?"
1)This is a spring month. This month gives snow-drops. Children have their spring holidays. ( March )
2)It is cold in this month. There is much snow in parks, fields and streets. (January)
3)In this month summer begins. The sun is very hot. Children do not go to school. (June)
In this month the weather is usually bad. It rains. The trees are yellow and red. (October)
T: Write down the names of the months into your cards, please. (Учень бiля дошки запиcує назви мiсяцiв до кроссворду, iншi учнi у власнi картки. Учитель контролює правильнiсть виконання ).
Physical warming up
Т: - Children, relax please.
- Stand up, please! - Sing and repeat after me, please! (танцювальна зарядка "Parrots and Bats" під музикальний супровід. (Учнi спiвають та iмiтують рухи тварин )
T: - Thank you! Sit down please!
T:-A year has got 4 seasons: What are they? Ps: -Winter, spring, summer, autumn.
T: -Every season has got three months. Do you remember them? Ps: -December, January and February are winter months. March, April and May are spring months. June, July and August are summer months. September, October and November are autumn months. T: -What season is it now? What month is it now? -Right.
Т: -Children, open your day-books and write down your homework
Ex. 5, p. 81; Ex. 2, p.82 (in written form); *Ex.6, p.81(in written form)
Т: - Children, was the lesson interesting for you? What did we do at the lesson?
Ps: We did a lot of things: we spoke about weather and seasons, played the games and many others.
T: - Для кращого запам'ятовування вивченого матеріалу виконаємо наступну вправу ( вимова скоромовки за вчителем ).
4)Spring is showery, flowery, bowery.
5)Summer is hoppy, croppy, poppy.
6)Autumn is wheezy, sneezy, freezy.
7)Winter is snippy, drippy, nippy.


Зіненко Олена Вікторівна
Вчитель англійської мови
Бердянська багатопрофільна гімназія №2


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