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Topic: Food
Aims: to generalize knowledge about food, its importance in our life;
to facilitate free speaking by eliciting personal experience and knowledge,
exchanging opinions on the subject;
to develop pupils’ speaking skills, writing and listening skills by working with dialogue, analyzing and doing exercises.;
to motivate learners to communicate with each other discussing the topic;
to develop the students' creative thinking;
to make the students understand the importance of healthy food and healthy way of life;
to increase students interest to English.
Очікувані результати: учні розширять свій кругозір, удосконалять лексико-граматичний матеріал з теми, продовжать відпрацювання навичок читання, аудіювання та усного мовлення.
Type: generalization of knowledge
The course of the lesson
I. Warming – up. Greeting.
Teacher: Good morning! Glad to see you at our lesson. How are you today? - I’m superb.
II. Aims.
Teacher: Today we are having unusual lesson. We have guests at our lesson. I am sure that you will show all your knowledge to them. The topic of our lesson is “Food”. The motto of our lesson is “EAT THE RIGHT FOOD”
By the end of the lesson you’ll revise the words from this topic, go to a café, improve your skills in listening, speaking and writing. You should be able to cook tasty dessert, have a great fun and a surprise, of course. Are you ready to start?

III. Introducing into the topic.
1. Game “Pass the other”.
Teacher: First of all let’s revise vocabulary of this topic. I have the apple. You must pass it each other and name words from the topic.
Повторення лексики в режимі T------ P1-- P2-- P3 …(Учитель дає яблуко першому учню. Учні, передаючи яблуко, овоч чи йогурт один одному, називають продукти; учитель змінює тему і гра продовжується).
• Fruit : an apple, a pear, a lemon, an orange, a melon, a banana, a plum,
• Vegetables: tomatoes, potatoes, cucumbers, carrots, onions, garlic, cabbage,
• Dairy products : milk, cheese, yoghurt, butter, ice-cream
2. Phonetic drill
Teacher: Continue our lesson. Let's practice our pronunciation. Let`s read with me. Repeat this tongue twister after me, put your attention on pronounce of the sound [t∫] (таблиця на звук)
Chicken and cheese, chips and chocolate. Chips and chicken, chocolate and cheese.
Reading by teacher. Translation. Reading in chorus. Individual reading.
3. Mind map.
Teacher: OK! And now I`d like you to answer my questions and make a mind map. What kinds of meals do you know? When and where do you usually have meals?
You can choose one of the word from the blackboard and hang it up on the right place, making sentence. Have a look at the board.

IV. The main part of the lesson.
Teacher: Dear children! And now I want to invite you to unusual place. (Учні розігрують діалог)
1. Dialogue.
Waiter: Good morning! How many are you?
Customer: We are five.
W: Would you like a table by the window?
C: Yes, please, but do not close to the entrance.
W: This way, please. (The waiter shows the way to the table) Would you like anything to drink?
C: Yes, please.
W: Here're the menu.
-Guess, please: where are we going to?
Teacher: But first I`d like you to divide into three groups. You must take the picture and understand in which group you are. (діти діляться на групи за картинками: овочі, фрукти та напої).
Welcome to our intellectual café. We have three tables and you`ll be our customers! (Застеляю скатертини на столи). Take your seats!
Glad to see you. I’m a manager. I wish you creative pleasure appetite. You don’t spoil your figure but makes your mind work and create better. You’ll get intellect calories as more as you eat.
2. Reading the menu.
Teacher: Look at our menu:
1. Appetizer “Scrambled Dialogue”
2. The main firm course “My project”
3. Cocktail “Musical Relaxation”
4. The second course “The preposition”
5. Dessert “Chocolate cupcakes”
3. Appetizer “Scrambled Dialogue” .
Teacher: Let`s order the first dish. You have sheets of papers with the dialogue on your desks. There is one dialogue hidden in the four sentences which have been scrambled. Make up a dialogue, then act out it.
Group 1. (B, D, A, C)
A. You don't like it, do you?
B. Do you want some more salad?
C. Of course not, Liz! I enjoyed it very much.
D. I don't think so, thank you.
Group 2. (B, A, D, C)
A. Let's take some salad, soup, fish with boiled potatoes.
B. What shall we have for dinner?
C. I think a glass of apple juice will be just the thing for dessert.
D. And what about the sweet?
Group 3. (A, C, B, D)
A. Let`s decide on a dish. What’s your favourite?
B. So do I. I`m also a big fruit fan.
C. As I`m a fruit person, I prefer fruit salad.
D. It`s great!. We`ll take “Fruit tower” then.
Teacher: How often do you go to a café?
4. The main firm course “My project”
Teacher: You have prepared different projects. I`d like you to introduce them.
Учні знайомлять зі своїми проектами
Після кожного виступу інші учні задають запитання.
Teacher: Which food type contains fiber (iron, vitamin, potassium, calcium, protein) ?
P1: Bread and grains contain fiber, iron and vitamin B.
P2: Fruit and vegetables contain potassium and vitamins A, C and E.
P3: Dairy products contain calcium and vitamin D.
P4: Meat and fish contain magnesium and protein.
Teacher:What foods can help us to be healthy?
P1: Garlic prevents heart disease.
P2: Onion is good for our nerves.
P3: Milk strengthens our bones.
P4: Banana is good for our muscles.
P5: Carrots are good for our eyesight.
Teacher: Eat wisely. If you eat a balanced diet, you will feel great, look great, and always be healthy! “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”

5. Cocktail “Musical Relaxation”
Teacher: You worked a lot. It’s time to have a rest. Now stand up, please. Look, listen, and, repeat! Don’t pronounce, just do.
Учні під музику виконують рухи на слова: boil, cut, add, fry, mix. And now listen and show……

6. The second course “The preposition”
Teacher: Dear friends, let’s refresh our grammar knowledge about using some prepositions. Open your copybooks, write down the date. Page 104, ex.II. Insert the preposition where necessary.
Teacher: Let`s check up.
7. Dessert “Chocolate cupcakes”.
Teacher: And now we have a special guest from London. She is a famous cooker. Her name is Yeva Aleksandrova and she wants to teach you how to cook “Chocolate cupcakes”.
After listening you must do the task: fill in the missing words. Are you ready? Let`s start.
Учениця розповідає рецепт страви під відео супровід. А учні виконують завдання на картках

200 g of melted butter
1 and 1/2 glass of sugar
1/2 glass of milk
2 glasses of flour
4 eggs
4 tablespoon cocoa powder
some salt and vanilla extract
1 teaspoon baking powder

• Step 1
Melt butter in a small saucepan over low heat. Add, stirring, milk and sugar. Sift cocoa powder. Remove from heat and set aside to cool.
• Step 2
Use the whisk to beat the eggs and sugar until pale and creamy. Add them into the melted chocolate mixture. Add flour, baking powder and stir to combine.
• Step 3
Preheat oven to 160°C.
• Step 4
Pour the mixture into baking tray and place it in the oven.
• Step 5
Bake for 30 to 35 minutes for round trays. Cool in the tray for about 10 minutes. Decorate as desired.


200 g of melted butter
1 and 1/2 glass of sugar
1/2 glass of ______
2 glasses of flour
4 _______
4 tablespoon cocoa powder
some salt and vanilla extract
1 teaspoon baking powder

1. Melt butter in a small saucepan over low heat. Add, stirring, milk and sugar. Sift ________ powder. Remove from heat and set aside to cool.
2. Use the whisk to beat the ______ and sugar until pale and creamy. Add them into the melted chocolate mixture. _______ flour, baking powder and stir to combine.
3. Preheat oven to 160°C.
4. ________ the mixture into baking tray and place it in the oven.
5. Bake for 30 to 35 minutes for round trays. Cool in the tray for about 10 minutes. Decorate as desired.

V. The ending of the lesson. Summarizing.
Homework (The Bill ) :
Teacher: And now you`re going to have your bill after visiting our café. It will be your hometask: write down a summary and learn by heart on topic “Eat the right food”
- Well, our lesson is almost over. Tell me, please, what new information have you learnt?
- What dairy products do you eat every day?
- What ingredients do you need for chocolate cupcakes?
- It was very interesting to listen to your points of view. Your marks for the lesson are the following……
Teacher: In our cafe visitors usually give a tip. Now everyone can leave a tip for me. Look at this box. Take a note and write down your impressions but not in a usual way. Give adjectives on our topic of food you either like or dislike. Put them into the vase.
(Tasty, fresh, delicious, yummy, healthy, well-cooked // bitter, sour, etc.)

Teacher: Now, I see that you know a lot of interesting about food. Thank you for being active at the lesson
The lesson is over. Good-bye! Thank you very much.


Ізвьосткіна Олена Валеріївна, вчитель англійської мови, спеціалізована середня школа І-ІІІ ступенів з поглибленим вивченням іноземних мов м.Сєвєродонецька


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