Користувацький вхід

Останні публікації

Collaboration in the context of an intercultural PLC of teachers of different nationalities, cultural background, educational and teaching experiences, spoken languages.

щоб мати можливість переглядати всі сторінки та файли,
публікувати власні матеріали, отримувати сертифікати.


British International School Ukraine is a school where educational staff of different nationalities teach British national curriculum, IGCSE and IB DP to students of different nationalities (International programme). We are using English as a main language. However we also hire teachers from the host country. In our case it’s Ukraine. Some of ukrainian colleagues are teaching international programme and are speaking English. But some of them are teaching only Ukrainian Programme (Ukrainian curriculum) and are not proficient English speakers. So, we all have different cultural beliefs, educational backgrounds and trainings. Combining two different programmes (International and ukrainian) we are expected to work collaboratively on an intercultural team. And this is the gap we need to fill in.
Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) are a way of organizing the educational staff so that they can engage in purposeful, collegial learning with the aim of improving staff effectiveness so that all students learn successfully to high standards. The effectiveness of PLCs depends on the ability of educators to collaborate (Hord, S. M., 2008 “Evolution of the professional learning community: Revolutionary concept is based on intentional collegial learning. Journal of Staff Development”). In our specific case we need a collaboration within Intercultural Professional Learning Communities (IPLCs) of teachers of different nationalities, different cultural backgrounds, educational and teaching experiences and native languages.


Бобро Катерина Сергіївна, вчитель французької мови та літератури, вчитель англійської мови

Правила публікування на Методичному порталі: http://metodportal.com/node/1658
1.3. Мовою спілкування на Методичному порталі є українська.
Публікування матеріалів (статей, розробок уроків) мовою оригіналу (англійською, німецькою, російською, французькою і т.д.) дозволено з обов’язковим коротким анонсом українською.
Замовлення сертифіката (докладна інструкція): http://metodportal.com/node/2277


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